HoodUPdev's Forum Posts

  • I'm making an app similar to Google Keep. When you input some data, it gets uploaded to a firebase database, ready to be loaded later. Problem is, when you have two clients online at the same time from two separate devices, when you update the data from device A (e.g. 123 -> 12345), on device B it still has that old data (123) and will upload that old data to the server, discarding all the changes I made on device A.

    One way of solving this would be constantly loading data from the server on all clients, but I don't think that would be efficient since it could cause some serious lag to the client or the server.

    So what I thought of is this. Whenever the data gets updated, the client or server somehow sends some kind of signal to the other client, making it load and update the data from there.

    My question is: What's the best way to do it?

  • /str/c3runtime.js:2771:349: ERROR - [JSC_UNDEFINED_VARIABLE] variable GetBaseAnimationFrame is undeclared

    2771| tempQuad.getTrx())/2);tempQuad.setTly((tempQuad.getTly()+tempQuad.getTry())/2)}renderer.Quad3D2(tlx,tly,tlz,trx,try_,trz,brx,bry,brz,blx,bly,blz,tempQuad)}else renderer.Quad3D(tlx,tly,tlz,trx,try_,trz,brx,bry,brz,blx,bly,blz,rcTex)}GetImagePointCount(){return this.GetBaseAnimationFrame().GetImagePointCount()}GetImagePoint(nameOrIndex){const frame=GetBaseAnimationFrame();const wi=this.GetWorldInfo();let ip=null;if(typeof nameOrIndex==="string")ip=frame.GetImagePointByName(nameOrIndex);else if(typeof nameOrIndex===


    1 error(s), 0 warning(s)

    My project does not contain any javascript, nor the variable 'GetBaseAnimationFrame'.

    Minify mode was set to 'Advanced'.

  • Thanks! Your solution worked :)

    But I don't get what mean by 'Browser.Log'? Is it useful for fixing bugs?

    And also do you have any idea why the problem occurred?

  • I'm working on a system that saves all the instances of an object, by pushing each of their json value to one global variable.

    For example like this: json1/json2/json3/

    The reason I'm doing this instead of simply using the savegame feature is because I have an event that deletes the json value of an instance when it contains a certain instance variable.

    For example if a sprite has an instance variable 'Delete' set to true, that will be shown in its json value and by using the find() expression I can delete all json values that contains that.

    Which is what I tried:

    'TaskCardsSave' is the global variable and "359499435322149" is the instance variable value I'm looking for.

    In theory, it will look at each of the json values and check the value of the instance variable. If it is empty, it remains. If it contains something, the whole json value and the "/" attached after it gets replaced to "".

    But for some reason all the other "/" in the global variable gets deleted as well, which makes it unable to be read.


    What's supposed to happen: json1/json2/json3/ -> json1/json3/

    What actually happens: json1/json2/json3/ -> json1json3

    need help plz

  • Thank you very much for your elaborate explanation! Very helpful :)

  • This is the code I wrote.

    The purpose of this code is to remove any unnecessary spaces at the end of a text.

    But for some reason it keeps creating infinite loops and makes the whole project freeze.

    Help needed

  • Exactly what I need. Thank you so much!! :)

  • Something like this:


    I've been trying to create this for about week thinking it would be simple, but it turned out it was WAY harder than I thought...

    I need your help.

  • More detail?

  • Whenever I set a really long text and set the size of the text object to 'text.textheight', the resolution of the text gets distorted pretty bad, to the point where it almost can't even be recognized.

    I understand why this would happen but I really need this to work properly...any work arounds?

    Number of lines = 31

    Number of lines = 255

    Number of lines = 511

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  • I've heard that C3 is and can be manually set to be frame-independent, so does that mean it will be able to support 120+ fps monitors/phones?

  • Is there an action to enable/disable the 'global' property of an object/instance?

  • Then why does the layer effect exist?

    And also why doesn't it apply to newly created instances?

  • please read first