Holymonkey's Forum Posts

  • Hi everyone.

    Is there some way that a sprite on a lower layer can actually be displayed OVER a sprite on a higher layer? That's exactly what seems to be happening in my project. An enemy sprite on layer 13 is displaying UNDER a prop that's on layer 11! I even made a mouse event to display what layer those two sprites are on at run time while the mouse is ove that object to confirm the layers.

    Is this a feature in construct I somehow accidentally am using or is this a bug in construct?


  • Hi Everyone,

    I need to make something similar to a level editor and have never used any of the window/interface sort of objects in construct. I'm a bit lost.

    The user will need to be able to scroll through a "list" (window) of different sized images, pick and place them in a second window. (the map)

    Are there any examples that currently exist to get me on the right track?


  • Also, the fact that you could have a limb or weapon playing its own unique animations as its being moved along with the rest of the body rocks! (picture a flaming magic sword)... or you could create a boss ship made from multiple parts that can each take damage seperatesly and get blown off.

    the cool possibilities are endless.

  • An inelegant solution for now would be for me to map less used symbols with the needed eoropean characters, but as I was hoping to allow anyone to ake translated versions of the dialogue files for my game ( to translate my games dialogue into their language) then this will make things difficult to them... I guess they'll have to type it as usual, then use find and replace all to replace all of the accented characters with whatever symbol I'll be using for that character in my sprite frames...

    Not ideal, but it can work. Still.. the plugin is great. Thanks Lucid for al the coolness you continue to contribute to the construct community!!

  • Still an awesome plugin. Any chance of getting support for eoropean characters in a future update? Is it a limitation in construct that you cant "reach them" in the pull-down menu?

  • and what about french specfic characters. I can't even acess them to set their width?

  • Hello again. I've found a nice, free tool for converting a Truetype font to a bitmap font (it doesnt support alpha, but I then quickly convert it to an alpha blended font in photoshop so that doesnt bother me) It's called Codehead's Bitmap font generator.

    However, I need to know an easy way to set each font character's spacing based on the with of that actual frame. I hope I dont have to manually select and type in the width of every last character

    I tried to use a loop to do it but there doesnt seem to be a way to select the letter character in the font by any means other than the drop down selector. Can't we select them in sequential order numerically some how?


  • is there support for european characters? Do I have to set the range via a text string for that?

    Also, Is there a way to control character spacing per character based on the actual with of that frame?


  • I really apreciate the offer and I might take you up on it... but I 'd love to know of a simple process to take a truetype font, type out all the charactures you need, edit them where necessary, then save them out into all the properly spaced and positioned individual letters...

  • H everyone,

    I'm going to use the bitmap font plugin in my game project but am intimimidated by the process of creating the indifidual letter images. Doesn anyone know of a program that could help in this reguard with a 24 bit image? Anyone know of other useful resources for bitmap fonts. Anyone have an actual string of text in propper ascii ordre that I can copy and paste into photoshop to make my font?


  • I was using the "control is pressed" in the plugin, not the mouse/keyboard. It does not work in a my game or in your example CAP on my system with version 0.99.42 vof construct. I'll try a fresh CAP soon.. What version of Construct did you create the example CAP with?


  • Think I fugured out the problem. I'm using a newer version of construct than the example CAP was made in. (found out when I went to save changes)

    It seems what's happening with the latest version of construct and this plug in is that the plugin works for built in movements of sprites but NOT for costom input events where you want to make something happen when a "control" is pressed. those don't respond at all. Even in the example CAP, I tried a simple event to make the sprite fire the bullette and it didn't happen... and half the time I run the CAP the sprite doesnt respond to ANY input at all.

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  • Things are getting worse. I just noticed this morning (having not changed your example CAP at all, that when I run it it works fine to set controlls, and the player sprite responds to the controls, BUT as soon as I load the CK file by clicking load it no longer responds to the controls!

    Am I the only one having dificulties ?


    I just keep running your example CAP and half the time the sprite resonds to the controls I gave it and alf of the time it does not! Sems to never work after loading but I swear yesterday it was fine after loading with your CAP.

  • Hmm... I'm having trouble trying to get my game project to accept the xbox controller input with this new plugin. It was working fine with the customkeys plugin...

    I removed the event conditions pertaining to the old plug-in, then deleated the it from my layouts, then added the new plugin to the laout, and replaced the events to use the new plugin.

    Your example CAP works fine when I run it, and I'm loading in the same CK file that I save while running the example CAP. (placed in the same folder as my game)

    With the old plug in you had to "add" controls. It seems that's not the case now... are their names set in stone, or set only by reading the CK file?


    I merely have to load the CK file and then make sure the "control"s that I refer to are exactky the same name in my events. I'm doing that but it wont respond to the control pad, but like I said, the example CAP works fine and does respond to the control pad.

    Is it possible theres an issue with my cap because I had the old version of the plug in in there first?

  • freakin awesome! thanks Lucid