HolidayExplanation's Forum Posts

  • lucid

    I don't know if this is a bug or not, but I can't seem to move a C3 object in front of a Spriter object sprite, i.e. I have a Player of 20 Parts, one of which is a pickaxe, and trying to move an enchant effect sprite in front of it z-index wise doesn't work. Doing move to object front/back both places it one z-index below the entire Miner object, an moving a single Spriter object sprite (Pickaxe) behind all other of it's sprites doesn't do anything. Do you know of a work-around for this?

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  • Thanks for the reply. I tried yours, matching the angle of the sloped block, fully round ragdoll and countless more, nothing seems to have any better impact and I'm using only Platform vectors to move it, moving it with default arrow controls also makes no difference, so it isn't the that. I'm just confused

    Edit: There were a lot of collision overlaps, apparently that caused the problem and having collision space between the blocks makes it not work properly.

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  • Couldn't figure out but I do have a system of my own for that, 2 lines long and uses UTC plugin. If that helps at least, here you go:

  • Struggling to figure out a way to make collisions when player is walking uphill work.

    I have also tried different variations of collision on Player including a square, these are the current settings:

    This video demonstrates the problem:

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    If anyone has some fresh ideas it would help tremendously.


  • Is the add-on in a stable enough state to include in a production game right now?

  • Thank you very much R0J0hound for actually adding that, really appreciate it. Read your file, but I'm not able to test it out right now and try to adapt it to my machine systems since my AC Unit died today... Quite ironic. Thank you again!

  • There's "System -> Set Layout Scale" and "System -> Set Canvas Size" options you can try

  • Something like this? Although you might need to tweak it a bit

  • Welcome, glad you have it working again =]

    • Try changing the option Fullscreen quality, Downscaling quality in project settings, also try putting framerate mode to unlimited.
    • There is also performance tips, try checking if you're doing something performance intensive:
    • It might be a bad loop you have, try running the project with debug layout instead of the normal way and every time, before you run it, disable some code or remove some sprites to see how much they affect your performance (comparing cpu usage) and you'll pin point the problems out soon enough.

    You can go through that, but it's a bit hard finding your issue without seeing your project file, so if you could upload it here it would help to find the problem

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  • Okay, following what you said the passing of gen_id and other data like if machine is on/off, how much power it consumes and updating that when we turn a machine on/off or changing it's power consumption value and sending that info back to generator now works. But, I feel this (what i was trying to do) is limiting the flexible system you made.

    "Or does each component use the power it needs and pass the leftover power down the wire?"

    Yes, each comp. uses the power it needs and passes left-over along the wire. What I've been trying to do would limit player experience and make electricity unintuitive.

    I guess what you're saying would make more sense and this might be a lot better;

    • A network can have many generators that can only be connected to batteries
    • A network can have many batteries that send out the power to components
    • Each component uses the power that IT NEEDS and passes left-over power back to be saved in batteries on network
    • If there isn't enough power being produced, all machines get turned off?

    *The sole purpose of nodes (relays) is just to extend the reach, I can't have kilometer long cables

    *Components have a manual switch that sets power_consumption to 0 (turns them off completely)

    *Same for Generators, have switch that sets power_production to 0 (turns them off completely)

    Would adapting something like this be possible in one of your systems or do you have any systems in mind that would be better or simpler?

    File with gen_id being passed around:

    A system with multiple batteries and generators example (basically what i'd need to accomplish):

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