Hey guys,
i need some hands for my test. Im trying to get stuff like local storage, away time etc to work.
But somehow it doesnt work as expected. If it comes to variables and math, my brain goes afk.
Can someone help me fix this or give me instructions :( ?
Im using the date plugin to get the unix time every tick.
On start of layout, i check if 3 storage things exists ( current currency, timeaway, saved time)
if not, they will created
if they do, i set the variables to saved storagefiles
If i click a save button, the current time will save the current unix time to a variable.
Then i will wait some minutes (because its supposed to get every minute i went offline)
After i reopen the game, nothing realy happens, no variables are set, but storage whise they seem to exist.
Hope you guys can help me with my problem :/