holi's Forum Posts

    I finally find out this bug thread:

    long story short: you do not have a proper control over local storage on mobile and its not a construct2 issue but an android architecture decision for space management.

    I'm still looking for a reliable solution to store datas.

  • Alright, I found out a solution following this step by step :

    https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/9640/h ... ep-by-step

    If you are doing an interstitial, or a banner, beware to use the test ID for your tests!

    -> ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/1033173712

    more infos there: https://developers.google.com/admob/and ... terstitial


  • Hello everyone!

    I'm a bit lost here! Can someone has a recent experience with admob + cordova + phonegap?

    I cannot find any tutorial without a step in XDK (wich is deprecated). a step by step, a capx or realy any help would be awesome. I'm not even sure to understand how it works :/

    On a side note, is it possible to add an ad with reward ?


  • Try Construct 3

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    Hey Fengist

    I was looking for info about local storage and I found your topic.

    Did you give up?

  • Hi!

    I will be very interested as well! mindfaQ Can you reupload it please?


  • Alright, but any idea to save a value?

  • It works ok on desktop, but at some point its not relyable; for some reason the browser delete the datas. Same issue on mobile, and it happend even quicker.

    I know that on local storage, the datas are stored on a cache file. I'm pretty sure that I did not setup my browsers to delete cache.

    For a scoring game starting over is pretty annoying, and I want to be sure that it won't happend!

  • Hi guys,

    I need to save some value between various game sessions, so I tried local storage, but it seems that its never properly saved on android.

    So, I thought about the save and load system behavior. Do you guys know if its possible to save only numbers with this solution?

    On a side note, do you know if the local storage is still suported?


  • I'm looking fore the same feature, unfortunately the add-on on the link you provided does not work on mobile.

  • OK, I find out that sprites containers will fit my needs

    I find that while searching for info about pinnedUID, so thanks again dop2000!

  • Hello dop2000,

    I dont want to interact with a particular instance, but a whole group of them pinned together (if X touch Y, then destroy [XABC])

    In the same time I don't want to destroy another [XABC] which is living his life in the same layout....

    on top of that I want to be able to create any [XABC] I want (for exemple with a button pressed)

    Thx for the reply, I'll check PinnedUID that I never look at before.

  • Hi guys!

    Im facing a pretty complex situation (at least for me...) and I'm really not sure what is the proper logic to deal with it:

    I'm looking for a way to manipulate similar group of instances composed with various instances (wich are pinned together)

    for exemple:

    A "Group of instance ABCD pinned togheter" and another "Group of instance ABCD pinned together".

    I want to be able to duplicate them on the fly but I will be also able to destroy each group individually

    Since I'm pretty lost with that situation, I don't have any capx to provide...

    Any advice would be appreciated.



  • Hello!

    I'll be interested to test this out as well if the pluging will be aviable


  • Hello!

    as you might understand, the size is optimized for the best performance possible and is also optimized for a true pixel art canevas (around 320*480).

    Also, you can always upscale them in Construct 2 using point sampling instead of linear sampling (project properties >configuration settings >Sampling )


    PS: I released another UI pack here:

    https://www.scirra.com/store/game-user- ... ixels-2507

  • Retro Pixel UI : Steam Pixels — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!


    <h3>Title</h3><div class="deshr"></div><p> Over 125 unique assets and an exemple.capx to quickly copy/past elements on your project!</p><h3>Title</h3><div class="deshr"></div><p> Check out the live demo here:</p><p>http://www.handscandance.com/SteamPixels/</p><p>Want more retro pixels? Find out here: Retro Pixel UI</p>

    Use this topic to leave comments, ask questions and talk about Retro Pixel UI : Steam Pixels