hocus's Forum Posts

  • 4 posts
  • Check the text events under system. (in the event editor select a variable for example and doubleclick on system and scroll down)

    Ah ! Thank you! Found them... <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Somebody should make a tutorial of these.

  • Seems like there aren't any posts or tutorials about parsing strings, but I have come across some .capx' that do've some kind of parsing in them.

    So how do I parse the strings in Construct 2?

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  • You can't, and I don't think the ability will be added: INI files are a very old out-of-date technology used since Windows 3.1. It's been completely overtaken by XML, and INI files are not used on the web at all, ever.

    How to parse at all ?

  • Then, there is the issue of hardware. The 3DS is not exactly cutting edge performance wise, and even on a much more powerful device like the iPhone 4 (which supports HTML5 well) the performance is still what I would consider unplayable for any game that has a lot of motion and moving objects.

    It's just unrealistic to expect that the 3DS would somehow perform better than iPhone/iPod with significantly slower hardware.

    On my work PC with integrated graphics, i get 60fps on a demo. that same demo on my iphone 3GS gets about 15 frames.

    iPhone has an artificial speed limitation for HTML 5 apps in the browser, so that HTML5 applications bought from the App store perform better and Apple can control what users run on their iPhone.

    BigBrother strikes again.

  • 4 posts