hoanganh17's Forum Posts

  • I intend to make a solution by using Call JS plugin and sessionStoraage to make a job be simplify...

    Have you guys have any suggestion..???

    Thank in Advance

  • Dear all.

    I have my own websocket for my game (not socket.io) and it's role is connection between c2runtime and .NET server. It's working well.

    Actually, I want to build a chat room outside a c2runtime and looking for the way to call outside javascript and vice versa to complete my project.

    It's mean text from my websocket can be append in <div> outside of canvas c2runtime and message from input can be sent via my web socket in my Plugin.

    Have you guys have any idea to help me...???...

    Thank in Advance

  • R0J0hound, I got projects, fighting and gambling, I got record from customers about some case really hard to reproduced.

    For mutual interactions, I am using Websocket with JSON to send appropriated command from someone to other. Actually, some of actions and behaviors really differ from ideal draft.

    After that. I did try to save actions into Xml via my plugin to try to reproduce users action but not have optimal records because of time, tick...etc is differ from actual user actions.

    So it's reason I am looking for best way to record actions with exact time between each of them.

    I hope you could understand me...:D

  • Velojet: you are absolutely righ..

  • Thank so much R0J0hound

  • I need do something with Pendulum and I have no clue how to start it from Construct object.

    Tell me a suggestion, I have to write my own plugin or combine it from existed...???

  • Thanh both of your suggestion..

    Actually I am locking for methods that directly record c2 game from HTML5 canvas..

    I need it because of testing for games.

    Have you got any ideas...??

  • I am new in Construct and I saw there are a lot video tutorial.

    My question may stupid but someone help me to know how to record a game scenes in video.

    Thank in Advance...

  • I got r95 license so could I still use this for newest version...??

  • Dear Ashley

    Dear Scirra...

    I did ask my friend (mail address: qhoangproule@gmail.com ) uses his credit card to help me purchase personal license of Construct. He gave me a redeem code and I tried to download a license file but actually i got message:

    "This key has already been claimed! Please email supportule@scirra.com if you believe this to be an error. ".

    Both of use recheck emails and we couldn't find any license from Scirra..Please help me in urgent.

    PS: my friend didn't verify his mail before enter redeem code...:(..so I believe this may cause problem...

    Thank you very much and sorry about my English

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  • Thank so much Ashley...I got 404 err with incorrect mime setup.

    I am going to fix this problem follow this guideline:


  • I just create a game and try to deploy it in other ASPX page.

    Everything are working correctly but sound - audio.

    I am using Windows Server 2003 /NET 4.0 and I can't fix this problem.

    Could you guys please give me a advices..???.

    In my laptop, this sound play well but there are no voice in server.

    Sorry about my poor English.

    Thank in advance.

  • Dear AarongamerX

    Thank so much for your quick reply

    I change my program like that, but same result..??

    Where I must put System.DelayTime ???

    Global number isMoving =1

    Button|On clicked -->System|wait 0.5 seconds

              [SubEvent](if)     System|isMoving = 0 -->Button|Set text to "Stop"

                        -     -->System|Set isMoving to 1

              [SubEvent](else)     System|isMoving = 1 --> Button|Set text to "Start"

                             -->System|Set isMoving to 0

  • I got big problem when I want to reset value of Global variable and Button text.

    My purpose:

    1. In initial time, my Button have text = "Start" and Global variable isMoving == 1.

    2. After first click my Button must have text = "Stop" and Global variable isMoving is reset to isMoving == 0.

    3. After second click my Button must have text = "Start" again and Global variable isMoving must be equal 1.

    But actually, when program is launched, my Button text == "Start" after few clicks..?? and I guess my Global variable isMoving == 0.... <img src="smileys/smiley3.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Could some one help me pls. Because very specific purpose I could use only one button.

    My program like below

    Global number isMoving =1

    Button     |     On clicked

              (if)     System|isMoving = 0 -->Button|Set text to "Stop"

                        -     -->System|Set isMoving to 1

              (else)     System|isMoving = 1 --> Button|Set text to "Start"

                             -->System|Set isMoving to 0