First this: 'wait' is NOT a timer. It just postpones actions.
It is not (and still not) easy to answher this question, without to be able to correct your .capx
I am afraid that you not gonna understand 'words', (based on you totaly weird events) but lets try.
Taking your capx as example would be better.
You want it to happening on a 'on collisson'. Not every so mutch seconds. You have 4 stages of dead. I suppose you have 4 animations named "Hurt1", "Hurt2" , "Hurt3" and "Hurt4". Yes this is correct
Give the duck an instance variable 'Stage' ... number .. = 0
Condition > On Duck collission with Bottle
Action > add 1 to 'Stage'
Action > start animation "Hurt"&str(Duck.Stage)
Action > destroy the bottle
I don't want the duck to destroy the bottle though. I have the bottle destroying the duck already but that's at hurt4.
Condition > Duck > On finished "Hurt4"
Action > destroy Duck
When I do this the duck just either dies/ goes through killing the bottles.
Since I can't upload a .capx here's a link to my video I posted on Youtube on the topic of this question. It shows my problem and hopefully will help you see what I'm talking about.