HeroicSoftware's Forum Posts

  • 9 posts
  • Thanks everyone! This has solved my problem

  • Thanks for the rapid response, my only concern is i don't know what the "PIN" behavior is. If someone could link that for me that would be great! Thanks everyone.

  • Hello,

    I am working on a platformer and I can't get Every Tick to work.

    My problem:

    When the player collides with a treasure i want the system to spawn a w crossbow at the player's image point. During test I see that the system spawns the crossbow, but crossbow doesn't stick with the player. So how can i make it stick with the player as they move.

    My Event Sheet:

    ->Treasue | ON collision with player

       (Sub-Event) System | Every Tick | crossbowsprite | Set to player (image point 1)

  • Thanks for all of your help by the way.

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  • Hello everyone, I am Jordan. I am 50% of Team Heroic. I am trying to make a metriodvaina game. It's gonna be awesome

  • Still not quite, I need to make sure if the player falls through the layout (Player.Y > LayoutHeight) and the tile is destroyed then go the secret level, otherwise if the player falls through the map i just restart the layout.

  • How would that look in an event sheet?

  • Not necessarily, I need to change the layout only if the tile is missing. I would post a image of my event sheet Scirra isn't letting me.

  • Hi Everyone!

    This is my very first post here and I am super excited that I hit my first roadblock. Essentially I want change the layout of my game based on certain condition.

    I am pretty sure that i have the right idea with my event sheet All I want to do is change the layout based on a specific condition. If the player destroys the bridge they will fall down outside the bounds of the layout, and when this happens I want to go to the secret level.

    So If the bridge tile is not on screen and the player falls through the layout bounds, I want to go to the secret level.

    If anyone could help out that would mighty kind of you

  • 9 posts