HenryPK's Forum Posts

  • " Oh, you did? That's awesome because that's the idea ;( ! With my age, I didn't get this era of arcade games :( but making people remember this good time is cool XD. "

    Now, I remembered that some games, because of this, used storage of estimated real-world end date only. For example:

    I have a gate that will open in 2 minutes. I just store the hour/date the gate will open, and show on screen the countdown in something like that:

    Every Tick >>

    Timer set text to: FinalTime - CurrentTime

    Well, its what all the mobile games use.

  • Compare two values

    Array.CurX = "A" | Array.CurY = "B"

    Equals (=)


    (Array.CurX = "A" OR Array.CurY = "B")

    Just keep in mind that CurX and CurY are excluive of FOR EACH loops, and are numbers oH< *

  • You should:

    • Set Pixel Rounding to On
    • Set Fullscreen Scaling to Low Quality

    Another advice: Downscaling at High is very unnecessary since is a pixel graphics game, and will drain your memory.

  • I don't get it... Are you trying to convert a String into an array separating by "|"?

    If yes, you can use the tokenat() System expression.

    tokenat(Text, Index, Separator)

  • Are you going to craft items on a grid (like Minecraft) or show a list of available options for crafting...?

  • Only one simple command:

    "Player" Movement speed > 0 >>>

    - "Player" spawn "Particle" on layer n (Image Point x)

    - "Particle" move behind "Player"

    Where the "Particle" object is a Sprite with FADE behaviour, that disappears after a certain time.

    Change the duration of the fade, affects the length of the trail.

    "Player" is a Sprite with a Movement behaviour (8Direction, Car, Platform, etc).

    For the trail direction, this isn't necessary because the trail always goes in the opposite direction of the motion.

    I also made a capx: dropbox.com/s/ajc71c4lg8ec9ze/help.capx

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  • Oh! I got what you mean...

    Unfortunately, this is a function of the browser/system itself, that freezes the game when you switch tabs or go to home menu (in mobile). To save battery and memory.

    You can kinda use "wallclocktime" to calculate how much the game was left backgrounded, anyways.

  • ^^ I'm glad I helped, good luck!

  • There you go dropbox.com/s/s9rv3qp6dp01v ... .capx?dl=0

    *facepalm* VERY THANK YOU! Exactly what I needed...

    It was so simple, and I couldn't figure it out by myself...! Anyways, thank you.

  • Thank You HenryPK,

    exactly I do that but I want the spawned object to stop on mouse cross hair I click on screen... the bullet behaviour make spawned object move out the layout can you find a way to do that

    great thanks for your help.

    Oh, you can make it like this with 3 objects (The Mouse, the Sprite, and a "target" invisible(or not) object):

    On "Mouse" Click >>

    - Set "Target" position to (Mouse.X, Mouse.Y)

    When you click, it will bring the target to the mouse position.

    "Target" Is On Screen >>

    - "Sprite" set Bullet angle of motion to:" angle (Sprite.x,Sprite.y,Target.x,Target.y)

    If there's a target on screen, will move towards it

    Else (Target Is not on screen) >>

    - "Sprite" set Speed to 0

    Won't move if there is no target onscreen

    "Sprite" on collison with "Target" >>

    - "Target" set position to "-Target.Width,-Target.Height)"

    This will make the target go off screen when the Sprite reaches its destination.

  • No. I already tested it, and the game continues to "work" on Scirra Arcade as well.

    The problem is that you can't move or give any inputs and have that text.

    However, I don't think we can remove that black screen and "Click here to refocus game" text because this is a Scirra Arcade thing, so you can "leave" the game and do other things, and then go back to the game. :/

    (But if you want the game not to lose focus, you can use a Javascript event or a Browser >> request focus in an Every Tick loop)

  • Maybe you could use a percentage bar:

    progress = (n / 100,000) * 100

    (In this case, if you loaded 50,000 tiles, progress is 50%)

    You could use percentage to make a Progress Bar... There are a lot of tutorials on these bars around there. But is as simple as setting the width of the Fill part to the: Maximum_Width / 100 * progress

    Hope I helped you.

  • If I got it right... you want the game not to pause when you aren't with the browser focused.

    Just go to your project properties, and set Configuration Settings >> Pause on Unfocus to false.

  • Hi ismailsawan... there are many ways you can do it, but there is the "easiest"

    If you want it to walk into the crosshair (cursor) you can use a Bullet Behavior, and constantly change its angle of motion to "angle(Sprite.x,Sprite.Y,Mouse.X,Mouse.Y)".

  • 99Instances2Go! Very thank you~! It's a bit complicated p-p, but I'll get it right... ;P