HenerzH's Forum Posts

  • I have been looking everywhere trying to figure this out!

    In the manual about Audio in the effects section it says:

    "The Set effect parameter also allows effect parameters to by dynamically set or faded during playback. Each effect also has a wet/dry mix which can be used to fade in and fade out effects."

    This sounds great but how!?

    As my player slows down the music slows down, that is easy to implement!

    But effects seem hard to fade etc. You can use the Effect Parameter apparently, but how are you suppose to know What number which effect is anyway, it seems volume is index parameter '0' but what index number is the filter effect!?

    I want to be able to increase the amount of filter (low-pass) depending on health!

    Like in FPS games when you get hurt badly the sound muffles, I want a similar effect!

    Can't believe in Audio it says you can use effects dynamically but then there is no explanation any where as to how!!

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