Hi, is it possible to disable the controls in an RPG when the characters are talking?
So far this is what I did:
On function "Interaction":
- set layer "HUD" visible
- write text function.param(1)
- sprite_player: deactivate grid movement
Subevent: on player pressed "Control 1"
- sprite_player: activate grid movement
Basically Control 1 is like the Use key. Then I call the function:
Player overlaps Grandmother + player1 press "Control 1"
- Function add parameter "Hello child!"
- Function call function "Interaction"
So far when I run it works, except the player can still move around when grandma is talking, which I don't want. Like, say, Pokemon, the player must wait until dialogue is finished and presses the A button before he can move again. How can this be done?