havyhavy's Forum Posts

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  • A college degree is by no means a guarantee of success as an employee or entrepreneur. To make it as an entrepreneur, you need drive, determination and a true passion for what you’re doing. With those qualities, just about anyone with the money it takes to attend college and four years to work on a business could make amazing things happen. Just look at me. I didn't go to college and during that time I managed to buy and sell two businesses, each for a considerable profit. So rather than winding up jobless with a mountain of debt, I was ahead of the game.

    But before you conclude that I’m set against college, hold on. There are some very good reasons for a would-be entrepreneur to pursue higher learning. For one thing, the value of networking during school cannot be denied. Graduates who have gone on to be successful entrepreneurs often credit their time in college with helping them make incredible connections. Some found business partners, while others made friends with people who were able to help them with their entrepreneurial ventures in other ways.

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