havenrocket's Forum Posts

  • Either Scirra has stopped it, or I have (for myself) by going into my tutorial subscriptions and unchecking the broad categories (i.e. All English Tutorials).


    Tried it, got three tutspams before being able to finish this post. Hope it kicks in soon, i'm around 300 deep. Ah. Another two. Jeez louise.

  • If I have an array full of 1's and 2's, and I want to count how many 1's are in the array, how do I do it?

    How big is your array?

    If you're trying to discover the contents, I would suggest building a debugger. That way, while you're in-game, you'll always know the content of your array.

    I don't know the best way, but you could try something like "Every Tick, set TEXT to Array.curValue" I'm a newb myself, but that might help. Maybe do a textbox that constantly updates?

    Maybe do a for each? How, I'm not sure. I usually just play around until it works.

  • Here's some xbox fanboy backlash... doubtful it applies to us, but here you go. Love the venom coming from the comments area over this guy's article.


  • You need a publisher to publish

    So then, what is preventing Scirra from being that studio we publish to? I mean, isn't it that or Steam?

  • Did anyone catch the mention of "Web powered applications"? I think it's highly likely Xbox One will be HTML5 compatible.

    Sweet, glad you caught that!

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Does it play games? <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Seriously, I want a game console. Not a multimedia center.

    Sony said PS4 would be indie-friendly, so think that will be my next console.

    You and me both. But I'd still go play the new Call of Duty at a friend's house. I hope they talk about Devs at E3, because this reveal wasn't that awesome.

    Power to the indies!

  • More from EA-

       4 time more calculations per second, wider field of view.

       "10 times more resolution and realism..."

       Dynamic Sidelines

       New content Daily

       Fully 3d crowds

       Gameplay looks pretty good, except for the eyes. Still Uncanny Valley.

    Head of MS Studios Phil Spencer-

       Demoing Forza5

       Looks pretty realistic, except for the camera angles.

       Demoing Remedy Studio's Quantum Break

       Eh, looks okay, but was waaay to short to really tell.


    Bonnie Ross from 343-

       Talking bout some Halo


    WTF Steven Spielberg-

       Blah blah pong...

       Blah blah halo is wonderful.


    Back to sports-

       Blah blah fantasy football.

       Live broadcasts, automatically updates your FF stats.



    "MORE AT E3."


    Call of Duty Ghosts-

       New world

       new narrative

       new engine

       new charas

       Um, whoa. It looks kinda sick. Especially the underwater segments.

       You get your own doggie! He gots armor!

       Polys out the wazoo... turbosmooth what?

       Fluids, smoke, fish, all sweet.

       (and i don't play shooters...)

       dynamic maps with earthquakes and floods

       chara customization, pretty deep.

       realtime volumetric lighting.

       it's nuts, i might play it.

       THE FLOODED STREETS... wow.

    Sorry guys, no Dev talk. Pretty disappointing. But still, what do you guys thinks about these specs? Not too shabby. I think if the designers could learn how to make the model's eyes squint some, they'd be indistinguishable from reality... well, aside from the impossible camera angles which totally break the illusion.

  • BluRay,

    8gb of Ram

    3 OS' in one???

       XBOX OS

       Windows Kernel OS

       Some sort of mid-way OS to connect them...


       voice calibration

       supports whole family

       2gb data per second

       1080p wide-view

       more joints, rotations

       reads your heartbeat!? wtf...

       ships with console now




       fixed the dpad. (yeah right)

       15% faster

    Apparently you can hook your tablet to it and use it like the WiiU OMGROFLLAWL!

    They said LAG-FREE about a dozen times in twenty minutes.


       300,000 servers for new system. "More than the entire world of 1999!"

       Blah Blah Cloud Crap.

       DVR your gameplay.

       stat matching for PUGs

       "bigger matches for more players"

       "persistent worlds"

    Ok, now EA is up. Talk to me Andrew Wilson-

       Ugh, sports talk. "4 new games!" One is UFC...

       EA Sports IGNITE is the new EA engine, revealed today.

  • I'm watching an XBOX special on Spike right now. They just revealed the XBOX ONE, which looks pretty cool.

    It doesn't look like a gaming console anymore. It looks like a hard-edged box, like a receiver or a first-gen VCR before people started the curved edged designs.

    The kinect looks a lot bulkier, too, and for the purists, it looks like the controller is still the same.

    Right now, the guy is featuring the interface. "XBOX on," to turn it on. "XBOX TV," to make it play TV. "XBOX game. Go to TV. Play Music. Go to Internet Explorer. Watch TV." Apparently is has a rather decent "Instant Switching" mechanism that looks really fast, and just pops up whatever you want. It's very Star Trek, but instead of saying "Computer," you're saying "XBOX."

    "Xbox Snap Skype," splits the screen in half, leaving your original window open, but opens a second window next to it with Skype or whatever. Sounds like a Windows phone.

    I'm sure it's all simulated for the purposes of exhibition, a la lip-syncing, but it looks kinda cool.

    I'll post again once they talk about developing. *IF* they talk about it.

  • Arima

    Thank you so much for putting that into perspective. I was beginning to become worried by the negativity in some of the posts I was finding. I won't name names, but some people nearly made me want to give up on designing games altogether, what with talking about third party code wrappers and the futility of trying and whatnot. I feel like I had already given up on Unity and UDK because my strengths lie in 3D modelling and writing. I didn't want to give up on Construct2 as well...

    I'm not the world's greatest programmer, so even C2 can be challenging to me. For example, to immerse myself, I'm trying to modify Yann's Simple Simon game so that you can use the keyboard instead of the mouse, but I have no idea where to properly inject the events! After a week of watching the April courses, I feel like I'm getting closer, which is great, because I tried searching for the same thing in Unity and broke down weeping like a little kid with a skinned knee.

    After making my earlier post, I was pleased to discover that C2 is working with Steam now, so that's also reassuring. I also saw your game on Youtube while doing tutorials, and I love it! Ria reminds me of my little sister, so of course I would be partial! Loot Pursuit FTW!

    (And Making 2d in Unity and UDK isn't so hard- it's really just a matter of locking the camera along a particular axis and building your game along that axis. Things like top-downs and sidescrollers are generally simple, because nominally, you're just shooting things or collecting things. A game like snake, however, is a NIGHTMARE.)

  • Now that we are fully into 2013, I am hoping there are some new perspectives on the monetization issue.

    I think at this point, we are all pretty much in agreement that none of us are here to become billionaires, but we would at least like to quit our jobs at Burger Town.

    This is not to say that one of us won't create the next Angry Birds- I am simply saying that we are curious to see if anybody using C2 can expect to make any sort of money at all. I read the Bottom Feeder article that I was directed to, and then looked at True Valhalla's page.

    My goal is to make $2000 a month using C2. I know it won't be right away, and I know it will take some self-promoting to reach that goal.

    What I AM asking is this: Am I wasting my time with C2 when I should be using Unity or UDK? And yes, I am a 3D artist, so that's not such a stretch for me. I have seen numerous games on the ios and android store that are "Powered by Unity," but thus far, I've seen nothing on C2.

    From the sound of it, some of the folks here are telling me that C2 is simply my way of creating that 2D sidescroller I've always wanted to play, that's it's only a hobby tool.

    If so, that's disappointing. I love C2, and I would rather use it than Unity.

    Now that it's May of 2013, what are your UPDATED opinions?

  • Okay, sad to see there was no responses, but let's move on from that.

    I tried to make a sort of middle ground here. I know that one big PNG isn't gonna cut it, but neither is a hundred sprites. And while I have discovered that I can indeed give them their own rotations, coordinates, size, and whatnot, I still don't want to make twenty or thirty of them per level. That's a nightmare.

    So here's my "Round-Peg-Square-Hole-Bigger-Hammer" approach:

    I went back into the image and chopped the entire thing up into areas which contained walls. I made each block just big enough to cover an area that I knew would be covered by only eight vertices. Roughly three walls, give or take a rounded corner.

    Each image was then dropped into the layout, the collision areas all properly defined, and then set to an Opacity of zero.

    Instead of having a layout that consists of twenty individual blocks for walls, each one requiring a unique list of info, I now had five pngs, and the only attention they required was to simply have their verts properly lined up. And if you can play connect-the-dots, you can line up verts.

    To reiterate that last point- creating walls via sprites involves a process which looks like this:

    On LoadBeachMap   >

       System Create > WallSprite at 0,0

       Wallsprite > Set Size to 40,500

       Wallsprite > Set Angle to 180

       System Create > WallSprite at 500,0

       Wallsprite > Set Size to 40,500

       Wallsprite > Set Angle to 180

       System Create > WallSprite at 0,500

       Wallsprite > Set Size to 400,40

       Wallsprite > Set Angle to 180

    That would create a vague "U" shape. Then you'd still have to set the opacity to 0, change the behavior to solid, etc.

    With the new version, one image gets the same result.

    On LoadBeachMap >

       System Create BeachWallsU.png at 250,250

    Set your behavior, opacity, and verts. Done.


       Makes the runtime slow waaaaaay down on my older laptop. As in... each section takes ~1.3 to 1.7 seconds to load. Not using power of 2 is one of my concerns here...

    So, in closing, this is one solution that can help you achieve more precise results when it comes to collisions. Break things up into pieces, like reese's.

  • I'm reviving this thread!

    Okay, here's the gist:

    I have a top down game that has six "zones." It works zelda style. Every zone is basically the same location with invisible sprites on the edges to swap out a custom background.

    First, we assume that each zone is 1024x1024px, our focus 400x300 or so.

    Next, we determine our colliders: BEACH2JUNGLE and JUNGLE2BEACH. These are invisible sprites that are 20px wide, and 1024px tall. If we set the image point to 0,0, and then set the collider's placement to 0,0 or 0,1014, it will give us a 20 pixel strip along the right and left edge of each zone. When you hit the zone with your character, the following happens...

    Player> On collision with BEACH2JUNGLE

       Beach.png destroy

       BEACH2JUNGLE destroy

       System Create Jungle.png at 512,512 (aligned as a background)

       System Create JUNGLE2BEACH at 0,1014 (aligned as an edge)

       Player set X to 100 (more specific than wrap...)

    And then...

    Player> On collision with JUNGLE2BEACH

       Jungle.png destroy

       JUNGLE2BEACH destroy

       System Create Beach.png at 512,512

       System Create BEACH2JUNGLE at 0,0

       Player set X to 900

    This allows you to walk back and forth between maps, scoots you ahead of the collision detector by 100px, destroys unused maps, and destroys the collision detector from the other map. Hopefully that all makes sense.

    Because even though swapping screens works well, I still have one crucial problem!

    What about my walls? Cliffs, rocks, trees, houses, even water? All the walls I've set up for one zone won't work for every zone. I'd have to destroy everything, and call up NEW walls with NEW coordinates...

    And that's where the problem lies. If I CREATE > Wall for one area, and put it in place, resize it to fit, and rotate it just so... and then try to create another Wall somewhere else, its restyling will affect the restyling of the first wall, too.

    Wouldn't it be easier to just make a .png of the zone, overlay it on top of your background, and then set it so you could move through the transparent areas? I've tried messing with the collision areas in the animations, but it says to not use more than 8 vertices.

    I tried clipping transparent edge, but that did nothing but trim the outer edges, which albeit exactly what it said it would do.

    Am I missing something? Is there a way to use transparencies?

    And if not... is there a way to give multiple instances of the wall object their own coordinates and size and rotations without overwriting all of them?

    Thanks in advance, guys.

  • KFC thanks, I get it now.

    Same example as above- a simple rotating slide effect...


    Begin by making a global variable. (Mine is SLIDECOUNT, set to 0.)


    Set up the time frame that you wish your slide to rotate. I want my frame to last for 3 seconds, then rotate clockwise for the duration of 1 second.

    System / Every 3 seconds

         ADD 1 to SLIDECOUNT

         System WAIT 1 Second


    This Action simply causes the SLIDECOUNT variable to change from 0 to 1 for 1 second every three seconds.


    Now we just have to tell the system what to do during the one second that SLIDECOUNT is going to be equal to 1. We can do that using the System / Compare Variable option.

    System / SLIDECOUNT = 1

         SLIDECOUNT / Rotate Clockwise 1?.

    And that's it.

    When you run that, the system will wait for three seconds, start rotating your slide by 1?, and for the the duration of SLIDECOUNT=1, it will just keep rotating by a single degree.

    Lol... I was making it waaaaay harder than it needed to be.

    Nothing against the seasoned vets, but...

    You could use the Wait action.


    -> Toggle Boolean/variable

    -> Wait x seconds

    -> Toggle Boolean/variable back to original

    That way you will be able to use the variable to execute an action for a set amount of seconds.

    ... sometimes the psuedocode can be a bit vague. Structuring things closer to syntax really helps. I never would have imagined that it would have required multiple actions to achieve this particular task from KFC's psuedocode, which is grouped together like a paragraph, and leads one to believe that it could all be placed in one Action.

    I'm not complaining, just trying to explain why it seems like we're asking the same question five times! ^__^

  • Is there a cleaner way to do this? For i to 100 etc?

    For example:

    I have an image which I wish to rotate, However, the built-in rotate function only rotates along the exact center of the image, regardless of where my image point is set. (-200,0 for the sake of argument)

    So when I try to rotate manually, what I end up with is:

    System / Every Five Seconds

         IMAGE rotate 20 degrees clockwise

         system / wait 0.2 seconds

         IMAGE rotate 20 degrees clockwise

         system / wait 0.2 seconds

         IMAGE rotate 20 degrees clockwise


    This makes the 60 degrees of rotation I was looking for, but it breaks it up into 3 movements. In order to get a fine animation, I would have to break it up further, rotating the image 10 degrees every 0.1 seconds. This would have six ticks, which is still not that great, especially since it would require six more lines of information.

    With BASIC, you could run a FOR i to 1 loop... But how on earth would you do it here? I know there's a for loop available here, but I can't make it work.