Harish Reddy's Forum Posts

  • Hello Thank You so much that You like the concept :). I really didn't understand what You said about God's Eye Developers. Could You please be more specific Please?

  • Hello The angle selection is not yet implemented.its a good idea to do that I will look into it. Thank You so Much for Your Feedback :).

  • Hello Everyone :), Hope You all are doing Great. I am Harish and I recently released this amazing game made with Construct2 called STRIKER for Android Smartphones. Down below is the Gameplay Video and a Link for the game for You all to install. Please do Play it and share it with Your Friends. Hope You Love it.

    The 8 reasons why you will Love Striker.

    - Simple and intense gameplay

    - Sudden action and super dynamic game mechanics.

    - Hyper casual 2D Dynamic graphics and super-engaging soundtrack.

    - Highly challenging and delicious gameplay.

    - Super motivational Quotes.

    - Upcoming updates with more levels and more gameplay!

    - Eye-pleasing design with colourful themes.

    - Amazingly crafted Dynamic Levels and more to come.

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    And Here is the link for the Game


  • Hello every one! really excited to say I am making a game inspired by Line Zen,Into the circle and Bullet boy. and the idea I came up with is really unique.The obstacles and the levels are really unique. And to make this game interesting and amazing I really need Your Help.

    One thing I am trying to do is making the duplicates of the same object and enabling their behaviors at different time. For example like in Line Zen Game

    Time period in the video 1:05-1:09 , 1:27-1:38 , 1:41-1:45.

    Like they made the obstacles Activate(Rotate,Vertical Movement) one after the other.And few of obstacles in the game I am making needs same effect. I have tried few things but could not achieve it.So If You can help me with this I am Purely Thankful to You .

  • Thank You so Much Its Working

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Hello everyone . I want to implement save me feature in my game. like when the player dies at one point by spending few gems he/she can re-spawn at the point the player last died. and these check point are many in each level.I have tried few but they are not working precisely and there are glitches occurring during re-spawning. So is there any thing else I have to try.


  • Thank You So much for the Information. That's Helpful .

  • I am using few single large images and lots of sprites. That's not effecting the game performance but the construct 2 engine performance. so using large sprites and lot of sprites is the reason for decreasing construct 2 performance?

  • Hello every one. I am working on my own project. which has 20 levels and currently I have made only 9 levels and few of the levels layout size is 4500, 2160. and sometimes when I open those layouts, Construct 2 is not responding. is it because of the layout size? And I need that layout size because the level is big. so please help me solve the mistakes Iv made here. Help Me fix this please.

  • Thank You for the reply. and Its working when I changed it to <0.

  • Hello Every One How things Going on?

    I am making a top down stealth and shooter game. in this I have experienced a problem and trying so much but could not solve it. the problem is when I shoot an enemy with one weapon and when the bullets runs out I switched to another weapon with different bullet but the enemy is not destroyed.I gave only one instance variable to the enemy called Health=20 and when the player shoots the enemy with the pistol the health has to reduce to 3 and when the player shoots with the machine gun the health drops by 5. so there is a clash in the number I gave in the instance.If the enemy is left over with the health number that could not match with the second weapon life taking number its not working.

    ..........................................................................PLEASE DO HELP ME FIX THIS................

  • Hello

    I have exported an HTML5 bundle from Construct 2. and then I imported into Intel XDK for Android build. there are google play services and Ad mob services integrated in the game but when I run the APK in my mobile phone the login page shows an error like this

    400. That's an error.

    Error: invalid_request

    Invalid parameter value for origin: Missing


    so this is an error. so any one please can help me fix this? please tell me whats the error or please tell me the procedure to get an android build from intel XDK with functioning Google Play services and Ad mob Services.


  • Even my additions.xml does not have those lines of codes !! Any idea how to solve it??

    I Followed the tutorial properly...

  • That's quite interesting but can You please give me a clear cut by an example. Please.?

  • Is there any other way ?