The test games Scirra uses for benchmarks like Space Blaster are far too simple, you guys need to work with devs to test their actual games, or at least use examples that use large images, sound, and actual layout transitions rather that just one, then we might have known about things like the object limitations of Mac and Linux when using nw.js beforehand.
Damn straight this.
Big C2 games will NOT work on MAC at all, period. Linux export is broken since forever, but honestly I haven't tried it since NW 0.14 so I don't know if it's finally fixed.
However, it's quite clear this is all related to 3rd party wrappers. NWjs is just broken on MAC with a big project due to being treated like a browser (which isn't supposed to "load so many files", and it's a known bug for years!!). The mobile exporters are worse in their reliance on 3rd parties.
I would pay a LOT for an engine with C2's event system and native export. We don't need so many damn platforms, just PC/MAC/Linux for the desktop and Android + iOS.
Back to testing..
this.isWKWebView = false;
Now results in a blackscreen, not even a loading bar.
So definitely that ain't the fix!
Again, this isn't a WKWebView detection problem, this is related to asset loading somehow..
Ashley wants a bigger game CAPX for debug/compatibility/performance testing, I can volunteer mine. The title screen itself has a huge battle, multiple different faction fleets, including capitals and carriers for a lot of sprite, particles, and AI/logic. Let me know!