halabalussa's Forum Posts

  • 9 posts
  • Thank you for being so clear in these situations, because I've been having trouble with my game and is now resolved.

  • I'm having the same problem could please tell me what is the solution? because the file doesn't exist anymore.

  • I tried what you say, but it doesn't works like I want.

    this is what I traying to do http://www.box.com/s/0u7d3hjoy5mg5ybhlh2t

    I hope you can help me

  • hi everyone.

    I know that someone could find this easy but I have tried everything without success.

    I want to create two balls, one on the left and on the right. So far so ok, the original ball have the ball behavior. and the problem is when the original ball change his angle, and the other balls are created in the oppositive direction. so the question is �how I can get angle from the original ball and set it in the others balls?

    so I hope you can halp me with this.

    <img src="http://img703.imageshack.us/img703/3035/prtscrcapturet.jpg" border="0" />

  • Lucid that's because you have to add it first then you select from the combobox

  • hi there,

    I almost complete my game, but I'm having few problem with powers specifically with laser and balls.

    -when the laser power is on the ship shoot two laser because the ship have two canon. but when both laser hit two bricks just one disappear, tis happen with gray brick that have a private variable with value 3 and when the laser hit it this subtract 1 value to zero.

    the second problem is with ball power. that duplicate by 3 the ball. but it doesn't work, I put

    group poder bola


    |+ System: Always (every tick)

    |-> System: Create object Sprite3 on layer 1 at (-10, 0) from Sprite3 's |pivot point


    so I hope you understand what I'm trying to and help me

    here .cap file


  • export game to mobile device or mobile OS , i mean for example export to android device or symbian device or maemo device. something like that. I don`t if this is posible. see ya

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  • wow thank you so much the solution of lucid works perfectly

  • hi everyone, well I'm been working in a game like arkanoid, every works well except for one thing. when the ball destroy all the block go to the next layout, ok. first I created a global variable(blocks) and a condition:

    Star of Layout

    ----------------->+ System: For each Sprite5

    + System: Trigger once

    -> System: Add 1 to global variable 'bloques'

    and works, but here is the problem, when the ball collides with two or more blocks at the same time just count 1 in the global variable. so the next condition is not satisfied:

    + System: Is global variable 'bloques' Equal to 0

    -> Wait: Delay 500 ms

    -> System: Go to layout 2 with transition "None" lasting 0 MS

    how to solve this little problem or what condition I can use for when the ball destroy all the block go to the next layout. thanks in advance.

    here you are the .cap http://www.box.net/shared/8s69oi3yyh

  • 9 posts