h1k3's Forum Posts

  • Took my first step into canvas 3d raycasting with the ability to distort sprites. Try it out and see for yourself. :) Not much to look at now, but I just got it figured out, now I need to do much more like allow for more/less slopes etc. Right now it's built in. Just need to to figure out the best way to handle it with the plugin.

    my 3d sprite attempt

    Enter any picture url in the box and it distorts.

  • Ashley

    I apologize for the silly question, but what is the reference point in the draw function?   Something like this.ctx.drawline...?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Hi,

    I'm trying to understand how the canvas works. So I had pulled up a bunch of tutorials on implementing the canvas in javascript. When I follow the directions and try to fetch the 2d element from the canvas tag it pops up an error.

    Can you please guide me into how to hook into the canvas that c2 uses? getelementbyid is just not working for me. :(

  • Version 0.31 is here. This version fixes the ability to submit user scores. Also 2 new conditions. OnUserHiscoreSubmit and OnUserHiscoreReceive.

    See the new features live

    Current Version: 0.31

    Version 0.31

    Example Capx


    Example in action

    Sample Here

    Version 0.21 (old for breaking changes purposes) If you are updating from version o.21, make sure to remove any story posting references first. Or you will need to revert back to this version to do so before updating.

    Facebook Complete

    <font color="red"><font size="6">CURRENT FEATURES</font></font>

    <font size="5">ACTIONS:</font>

    Update Status - Update the user login status

    Login Dialog - Log User Into your app

    Update Basic User Info - Fetch available basic user data

    Facebook Logout - Log User out of Facebook

    Delete App - Delete your application for the user

    Post Story - Post Story to Users Feed

    Publish score - Publish a score for this user

    Request user top score - Request user top score

    Prompt To Share Story - Prompt to Share Story to Users Feed

    Invoke Pay Dialog - Prompt User to Purchase an Item with Facebook Credits.

    Fetch Game Friend List - Fetch a list of all users friends that play this app.

    Fetch game friend info by array ranking number - Fetch game friend info by array ranking number.

    Login Popup - Log into your app using javascript(non redirect)

    <font color="green">Upload Photo by URL</font> - Upload a photo to the users profile.

    <font size="5">CONDITIONS:</font>

    On App User Logged In - triggers when user status changes to installed

    On App Not Installed - triggers when user status changes to not installed

    On Facebook Logged Out - triggers when user status changes to a user who has not logged into Facebook

    On Facebook Info Populated - Triggered When user Facebook Information Expressions are populated

    Is user logged in - True if currently being viewed inside Facebook by a logged in user

    On Story Success - Triggered when the last story action completes successfully.

    On Story Failed - Triggered when the last story action completes unsuccessfully

    On Payment Success - Triggered When user successfully completes a credits transaction.

    On Payment Failure - Triggered When user unsuccessfully completes a credits transaction.

    On Game Friends Loaded - Triggered once all game friends have been loaded.

    <font color="green">On Photo Upload Fail</font> - Triggered once a photo failed to upload.

    <font color="green">On Photo Upload Success</font> - Triggered once a photo has been uploaded.

    <font color="green">OnUserHiscoreSubmit</font> - Triggered once a score has been submitted to Facebook.

    <font color="green">OnUserHiscoreReceive</font> - Triggered once the user score has been received.

    <font size="5">EXPRESSIONS:</font>

    UserID - Return the UserID of the Facebook player.

    UserAccessTokenExpiresIn - Return the seconds left until the Access token expires.

    UserLoginStatus - Return the login status of the Facebook player

    UserAccessToken - Return the current User Access Token

    UserSignedRequest - Return the current Signed Request

    UserFullName - Return the users full name

    UserFirstName - Return the users first name

    UserLastName - Return the users last name

    ThirdPartyID - Return the users Third Party ID

    UserGender - Return the users gender

    UserLocale - Return the users locale

    UserLink - Return the users Facebook link

    UserUserName - Return the users Facebook Username

    StoryFeedPostID - Return the PostID for the last story feed posting or error if an error occured

    UserPicture - Return the users true Facebook Picture Url

    ScoreError - Return the status of the last Score Posting

    Score - Get the score, when in a 'on user top score' or 'on hi-score' event

    Payment Order Status - A Facebook order status IE.. 'settled'.

    Payment Order ID - A Facebook order id.

    Payment Error Code - An error code identifying the error.

    Payment Error Message - An error message describing the error.

    Current friend score - Current selected game friends score.

    Current friend name - Current selected game friends name.

    Current friend ID - Current selected game friends ID.

    Current friend rank - Current selected game friends rank.

    Game Friend Array length - Current selected game friends array length.

    Minimum Age Range - The user's minimum age range.

    Maximum Age Range - The user's maximum age range.

    Email - Users Email Address

    Birthday - Users Birthday mm/dd/yyyy format

  • Hmm looks like one of the breaking changes for lack of better terms, broke the plugin. Lol I'm going to play with it tonight and see what happened.

  • blackcatgames

    Make sure you are accounting for the other type of Facebook user settings as well. Currently in that screen the app only logs you in if the user is logged into facebook but has never given permissions(installed the app). So after the first time they give permission it will not try and log the user in.Which can be a problem over time when the access token expires.

  • blackcatgames

    Would you mind sharing your capx? I just tried logging into your app and received a page not found error. Are you in sandbox mode in your developer settings? That wouldn't cause the error I'm just curious why I can't access your app.

  • Hi everyone, I'm drawing a complete blank here. How would I go about checking which frames are playing when two of the same sprite are colliding? So:

    Sprite1 instance 1 is showing the red frame, sprite1 instance two is showing the blue frame. How do I check to see if they are the same ie... both instances are showing the red frame.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • I've built it into my Facebook plugin Facebook complete. But you can implement it yourself pretty easy using the browser plugin, in particular the browser redirect action. The formula for what to put in the redirect address can be found here

    Login dialog

  • I don't think the Facebook plugins on here would work well on mobile specific apps. Facebook has a separate API for mobile app usage. Although I definitely have been wrong in the past :) so it wouldn't surprise me if the Facebook plugin caused an error for you. Doesn't cocoons have support for Facebook already built in?

  • I looked it up, here's the specs based on my iPad model number

    My iPad stats

  • I'm not overly sure. It was a gift. I know it was brand new 2 years ago. I'll take a peek and let you know.

  • The controls didn't work and it was a little jumpy but otherwise did work on my iPad. Looks pretty nice.

  • Are you using the default plugin for facebook(you didn't install a third party plugin) if so then you should have access to user scores if you included your app secret and in the app settings you set the app up under the games category. Either of those not being true would keep the scores from working.

  • In nightly there is a developer tools or console something or other with a network section.have you tried pulling that up and running the app? That should show you any error message you might have.