Gweely's Forum Posts

  • Heres a basic demo.

    Collect blue squares to increase score

    Avoid yellow squares.



  • I am trying to use webfont, but it is not displaying in preview.

    On Start Of Layout ->

                         scoretxt - set webfont "Chicle" from



                         scoretxt - set font face to "Chicle" (normal)

    System - Every Tick -> scoretxt - set text to "SCORE : " & score

    I think i have it setup correctly but it doesnt seem to display in chrome.

    It appears to display correctly in IE.

  • Hi,

    I am doing a space invader type game and wondering how to respawn all the enemies when the last one has been destroyed.

    I have 3 rows of 10 enemies (all of the same sprite). When the last one has been destroyed i need all 30 to be respawned again.

    Whats the best way to do this.


    EDIT - Think i have sorted it. Merely just Restart Layout..

    Just had to alter my instance variable to global so i didnt lose my count in that variable.

  • Just checked out your capx and you did not put "," (comma)in

    int(tokenat(highscore,arScore.CurX, ","))

    do this for both arScore loops and it will work for you.

  • Check out this tutorial, I followed it and implemented in my game.

    Very good tut and easy to follow.

  • Destroy your sprites on start of layout.

    Should do the trick

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Thank you EncryptedCow

    Could not see that white edge at all.

    Cropped image and all sorted.


  • Hi all, i'm sure this has already been asked, and as I can't search the forum at the moment, but I am having an issue with tiled background where it has a white line down the right edge of image, so when it scrolls it looks like there is a small gap in between the images.

    How can I cure this ?


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  • Is anyone else have this issue :

    Images not being displayed correctly.

    Text larger than normal.

    'Internet Explorer Blocked This Website From Displaying Content With Security Certificate Errors' message when I log on to forums page.

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Have you viewed this tut, it may help.

  • Tekniko Have you tried disabling firewall/antivirus to see if that's causing a problem

    Also try opening the ports in your router

  • What device are you previewing on ?

    What are you typing in the address bar on device ?

  • Not sure if this is correct, but can you not set the sprite to 8 direction movement, change the default controls to 'no' and have an event when you press the up and right keys together, simulate 8 direction movement for up right diagonal.

    Haven't tried but its a guess!!

  • Can you just create what you need on another layer and position towards the top of the screen. Is that what you mean ?

  • <img src="" border="0" />