gumshoe2029's Forum Posts

  • Perhaps try a "Trigger once while true" condition. This has the effect of pausing any repetitive action sets for around 5 seconds or so, before it will be considered "available for use".

  • I doubt that there are any tutorials on this.

    If you want to "remember" the order of the chain with pseudo-randomized variations, there are many way to do this. All of them involve some kind of temporary storage (arrays, dictionaries, etc.).

  • You need to be on the Network tab, not Elements. Then once you are on the Network tab, hit F5 (to refresh) and watch and see where it looks for those files. They have to be in the same location as your index.html file.

    It looks like you are facing a cross origin problem also. You have to fix that on the server side by adding the HTTP header: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *

  • You have to use Chrome Developer tools (Ctrl-Shift-I in Chrome Browser; Network tab) to see where your index.html expects those manifest files to be (manifest.json, appmanifest.json, and offline.appcache) and put them where it looks.

  • You create an array like:



    for "index" 0 to 8

    TextObject: append text "array.At(loopindex) & newline"

  • I don't think so.

  • I think your background.js is part of the problem. It creates a version of index.html somewhere and all of the manifest file references in the index.html are symbolic links. If the symbolic links, don't work properly it will not be able to find your manifest files, resulting in your black screen.

    One of these days, I should write a tutorial on how to use Amazon Web Services and Apache web server. It makes hosting your own stuff 100x easier.

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  • I hosted your game on my server, and it works fine. So, all of your Construct stuff is correct. It is definitely a Chrome Web Store issue.

  • firezombie444 Good to know. Thanks.

  • Hey sorry for the delay. I am only on here once every other day or so.

    On our server, we have the app.manifest and offline.appcache files located in a non-standard location, so when Construct was looking for them in the 'usual' place (which is in the web application root directory), it was unable to find them and simply displayed a black screen. I had to edit the raw html to adjust the symbolic link (the manifest="offline.appcache" on line 2 and href="app.manifest" on line 7) to point to the actual location of those files, which for us is manifest="/webres/offline.appcache" and href="/webres/app.manifest".

    If you use Google Chrome with the Developer Tools running on the Network tab, it will show you if your offline.appcache and app.manifest files are loading properly. If they show up in red in the network tab, then your manifest files are not in the proper location and your game will just load a black screen.

  • I have to put a 0.01 sec wait between them when I use this.

  • You have to make two separate containers, one for the text and one for the sprites.

  • You have to use image grid sprites of exactly the proper size in order to get the isometric grid to appear nicely. Otherwise your grid pieces will have gaps and other undesirable effects.

  • En supposant que je vous comprends bien, vous devriez essayer de fixer le taux de l'échelle et de la parallaxe pour la couche sur laquelle l'image backrground se trouve à zéro.