Guisouro's Forum Posts

  • 9 posts
  • Update: It worked wonders as you suggested! Instead of destroying the object (COIN), they were turned invisible and with deactivated collision. Then back on with the continue function.

    Thanks again!

  • Thank you very much, Pixel perfick! I will use your suggestions as guideline. Another way would not to set the COINs as global, but then again I would have the problem of hiding then when already picked in that gameplay. Still learning a lot about Construct 2, thanks for your advice.

  • Hello!

    I'm doing a platformer. In my game, the player has a set number of lives. Each time he dies, he gets back to the beginning of the level. The collectibles (COINS) should NOT respawn (so he cannot re-take a coin he already got).

    But they should be back when he uses a continue. I'm not able to do that (the coins are set as Global, so they don't reapear between lives, but that way they don't reapear with a restart layout).

    Any ideas on how to deal with that?

    Thanks in advance!

  • OH, now it works perfectly! Awesome, Jayjay.

    Thank you very much!

  • Jayjay: You mean like this?

    <img src="" border="0" />

    (buttonpress = button / Sprite4 = door)

    It did not work as expected. The door sprite does not change (stays at the first closed frame) and the button does a little flash (changes to pressed and then goes back) on the moment of the overlap.

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  • Thank you all for the reply!

    Jayjay: your "is overlapping" idea works better than "in collision", thank you! "Else" worked wonders for this case!

    emoaeden: I only got the stable version of Construct 2 (prefer to work with stable builds), so I can't try your method. Thanks anyway.

    zordork: thank you for the tutorial, it uses the basic principle from Jayjay - the only thing is that, as I specified, the doors should close if the buttons are not pressed. Instead of destroying then, I'm changing the animations (to open/closed). Maybe changing sprites altogether would be easier, not sure.

    This is how I did it:

    player is overlapping (sprite) - set button animation to "pressed"/ set door animation to "open"

    else - set button animation to "default" / set door animation to "closed"

    Only problem is if I use a animation (say, the door opening), it loops while the button is pressed - even if the animation is set to "not loop". Which is weird. So, for the time being, it is only working with non-animated sprites/animations with only 1 frame.

  • Hello! I'm trying to do something like this:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    By default, the gate is closed.

    When you stand on the button, the gate opens.

    If you're not standing on the button, the gate closes.

    I've tried doing something like the stomping enemy mechanic, but it does not seen to work (I guess because "on collision with" is different from "stand on").

    Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

  • Stumbled upon this topic in my search for another mechanic (pressing down buttons). There is now (?) a action for "Platform, Fall through", in case you still need it.

  • Updating from the 1.2 build, my antivirus (Avira) found a trojan named "TR/Crypt.XPACK.Gen" in the executable files of the r2 build. Am I the only one who's antivirus software got a potential malware in the instalation pack? Could it be a false negative?

  • 9 posts