Guif0DA's Forum Posts

  • hey, doesn't gettoken works with private variables?





  • hey, doesn't gettoken works with private variables?




  • Thanks, really helped

  • Great! thanks

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  • hey

    first of all, thanks for the autor for this plugin, it's very nice

    now the question.. can I limit the number of letters in the spritefont?

    or if better, can I limit the number of letters before a dot?

    like if limit is 4 before a dot and 2 letters after one it would be:

    4420.40 or 30.63, etc..

  • excelent plugin, thanks!

    just a question.. can I limit the number of letters in the spritefront? if yes, how?

    edit: I used gettokken for it

  • I think I understood what is going wrong, after restart of a layout the Groups of conditions doesn't get their original 'active' condition..


    layout start with group "gamestart" inactivated then after 10 seconds it get activated and the conditions inside the group start to working.

    The layout restarts with "go to same layout" action, the group "gamestart" start already activated when it should be inactivated by default, to fix that after action to restart you need to deactivate the group, but with large codes with alot of groups this get really bad...

  • FIXED!

    but still there are plenty more problems during restart ill try to fix all of em and update the topic

  • hey

    Probably found a bug in construct...

    in my project I made a condition that after 4 seconds some things disappear

    and while pressing ESC de stage restart (go to same layout)

    while the items that should disappear are still visibles, if I restart, they will still be there after the stage restarted.

    but after 4 seconds if I press esc to restart the stage the items are already invisible at the beggining, they do not wait 4 seconds to disappear, it's like if I reset before the 4 seconds, the time resets too but if I restart after the 4 seconds of the condition the time doesn't reset...

    edit: see my 3rd post.

  • Hmmmmm i can only edit 32x32 icon, when it expands in the directory the icon changes to default..

    any solution?

    or only an icon program?

  • > For the fog of war I use objects that simply disappears into contact with the hero. For the character it is 30 frames per second in its animation and I use the software "Poser".


    > I agree with the effect of wall texture that leaves the ground when in motion but I have not yet found a way to "tilt". Any advice?


    ahh i see. i am asking because i am i need of FoW too but my layout is propably much biger then your world map and i was curious how big impact so many FoW clouds objects may have on the performence.

    Ohhh Poser! can you tell me, how easy is it to learn for a non-modeler person? i tried .blender and my brain melted thru my ears. I even checked demos of Maya, 3dMAX, Cinema4D but with similiar effect. And i am still looking for a software which would let me lay my hands on some kind human-like Characters models. Human-like characters are the only thing i am still missing. for my game.

    About the wall texutres... umm what you mean? Cave walls are okey, so are that vault-like doors. its just the blending(the valult doors look unnatural on the wall). and when i was talking about the ground i meant it doesnt look like a ground. more like a wall, as you cant observe any angle, which should be present even a bit, if the gameplay is topdown-isometric.

    hold on, ill give you an example of what i mean.

    i just made this terrain. here is a topview, just like you textures of the ground:

    <img src="">

    its hard to gues the angle, or is it a wall, or a ground seen from above.

    this one is just edited a bit, with perspective scewing

    <img src="">

    do you see the diffrence?

    hey irbis do you know a technique in construct that I can make a terrain like a grass with different 'grass images' without creating 500 sprites?

  • just use the icons folder in the project tab

    ohhhhh that what i was looking for, thanks!

  • quick look into python> <--- look for online tutorial

  • You could Google 'IcoFX' (its a FREE icon editor)

    or Google 'free icon software'.

    There is many free apps out there! good luck

    thanks for tips

  • Can I create my own Icons for the apps or dxgames I made in Construct? like mmf?

    if so, how?

    thanks and great program!