Hello all! I'm having a cocoon.io build problem, with the iOS provisioning profile. What's a UUID?
The error says... "Can't get UUID from the provisioning profile."
I've been trying to build all day, but I keep getting the same error.
Here's the log info:
Signing error: Can't get UUID from the provisioning profile
[36m[2018-05-10T09:15:14.692] [DEBUG] IOSBuilder - [39m[prepare] cordova restore platforms
[36m[2018-05-10T09:15:14.709] [DEBUG] IOSBuilder - [39m[prepare] adding engine iosjgi@4.5.4
Ignoring: Contents.json
[36m[2018-05-10T09:15:26.876] [DEBUG] IOSBuilder - [39m[prepare] cordova restore plugins
[36m[2018-05-10T09:15:26.879] [DEBUG] IOSBuilder - [39m[prepare] adding plugin cocoon-plugin-ads-android-admobjgi@1.0.11
[36m[2018-05-10T09:15:26.926] [DEBUG] IOSBuilder - [39m[prepare] adding plugin com.ludei.defaultres.iosjgi@1.1.1
[36m[2018-05-10T09:15:26.975] [DEBUG] IOSBuilder - [39m[prepare] adding plugin com.ludei.usericon.iosjgi@1.0.1
[36m[2018-05-10T09:15:27.020] [DEBUG] IOSBuilder - [39m[prepare] adding plugin com.ludei.webviewplus.androidjgi@2.2.1
[36m[2018-05-10T09:15:27.062] [DEBUG] IOSBuilder - [39m[prepare] adding plugin com.ludei.webviewplus.iosjgi@1.1.4
[36m[2018-05-10T09:15:27.100] [DEBUG] IOSBuilder - [39m[prepare] adding plugin cordova-plugin-ad-admobjgi@1.0.118
[36m[2018-05-10T09:15:27.157] [DEBUG] IOSBuilder - [39m[prepare] adding plugin cordova-plugin-whitelistjgi@1
Ignoring: Contents.json
[36m[2018-05-10T09:15:29.769] [DEBUG] IOSBuilder - [39m[build]
[36m[2018-05-10T09:15:29.770] [DEBUG] IOSBuilder - [39m[build] create certs folder
[36m[2018-05-10T09:15:29.771] [DEBUG] IOSBuilder - [39m[build] p12
[36m[2018-05-10T09:15:30.247] [DEBUG] IOSBuilder - [39m[build] provisioning
[36m[2018-05-10T09:15:30.691] [DEBUG] IOSBuilder - [39m[build] remove keychain
security: SecKeychainDelete: The specified keychain could not be found.
[36m[2018-05-10T09:15:30.784] [DEBUG] IOSBuilder - [39m[build] add keychain
[36m[2018-05-10T09:15:31.416] [DEBUG] IOSBuilder - [39m[build] Using identity: iPhone Distribution: John Aguanno (1F7HDJFC4G)
[36m[2018-05-10T09:15:31.457] [DEBUG] IOSBuilder - [39m[build] install provisioning profile
[36m[2018-05-10T09:15:31.470] [DEBUG] IOSBuilder - [39m[build] clean
[36m[2018-05-10T09:15:31.471] [DEBUG] IOSBuilder - [39m[build] remove keychain
Can someone help me figure out what's going wrong?