guannstar's Forum Posts

  • Please, I really need someone's help.... Anyone out there?

  • Has no one else been having black screen issues with Cocoon's Webview+?

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  • Bump.

  • This is what my config.xml looks like now....

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <widget xmlns="" xmlns:cocoon="" xmlns:cdv="" id="com.dailyoccultcorrespondences.magicmotherboard" version="1.0.0">

    <name>Occult Correspondences</name>


    A sample Cocoon application that responds to the deviceready event.


    <author email="" href="">

    Magick Motherboard Productions


    <content src="index.html"/>

    <plugin name="cordova-plugin-whitelist" version="1"/>

    <access origin="*"/>

    <allow-intent href="http://*/*"/>

    <allow-intent href="https://*/*"/>

    <allow-intent href="tel:*"/>

    <allow-intent href="sms:*"/>

    <allow-intent href="mailto:*"/>

    <allow-intent href="geo:*"/>

    <platform name="android">

    <allow-intent href="market:*"/>

    <preference name="enabled" value="true"/>


    <platform name="ios">

    <allow-intent href="itms:*"/>

    <allow-intent href="itms-apps:*"/>


    <preference name="Orientation" value="landscape"/>

    <preference name="Fullscreen" value="true"/>

    <preference name="android-minSdkVersion" value="16"/>

    <plugin name="com.ludei.webviewplus.ios" spec="*"/>

    <plugin name="" spec="*"/>


  • Hi all! Can someone please help me with this new black screen of death problem? I use the same framework for all my apps, month after month (all I do is reskin), and everything always works fine - I’ve never seen this black screen before. I’ve never changed the make, export or build configuration of the app, so I have absolutely no clue where this problem came from. Can someone please help?

    Cocoon Version:


    Basic description of the problem:

    Cocoon build works fine, but when I try to open the apk on my Samsung phone, I get nothing but a black screen. My other app worked just last week, and I’ve changed absolutely nothing in this project regarding the build export and build configuration.

    Device info:

    Android 4.4.2

    Steps will reproduce the problem:

    1. Export on Construct 2 with these options in place…

    Fullscreen in browser: Scale inner

    Fullscreen scaling: High Quality

    Use High-DPI display: Yes

    First Layout: Preload

    Use Loader Layout: Yes

    Physics: Box2D asm.js

    Loader Style: Nothing (not recommended)

    Enable WebGL: On

    2. Export with Minify script unchecked.

    3. Delete all xml files, and zip to

    4. Upload www zip file to Cocoon with these options in place…

    Cocoon Version: Latest

    Webview engine: Webview+

    minSDKVersion: 16

    targetSDKVersion: default

    Install Location: Internal Only

    Multidex enabled: No

    Expected result:

    To build as usual and see the app work, as it did in the past.

    Error log

    There was no log error, because the build works fine. The build’s not the problem. I’m getting the black screen of death afterwards.

    Used plugins (if relevant):

    Recently I installed a new effect in Construct 2. It was called “outline”. Is it possible that the effect is causing the problem?

    Framework/game engine (if relevant):

    Construct 2

  • Bump!

  • baks Nevermind.... Just realized... I can download it, but I have to download the whole file, not single files. Thanks again.

  • baks Sorry (noob question here), how do I download the HTML iFrame plugin from Github? I clicked on 'Download', but it sends me to this page ( ... inIcon.ico), instead of actually downloading the file.

  • Thanks!

  • Hey there, baks! Did you end up finding a good tutorial for making eCommerce apps?

  • Thanks for the speedy reply, guys!

    I agree. Relying on a third part is probably the best solution.

    ... So, you're saying it is possible to create a delivery service app with Construct 2, but only if use the Paypal serveice, etc., instead of using the IAP feature. I understand.

    Are there any decent tutorials showing one how to integrate websites (iFrame), and Paypal with Construct 2?

  • There has to be a way to do it, using Construct 2. I don't want to use Shopify. I'm trying to create my own app.

  • If I wanted to sell physical products, is it possible to construct a delivery shop app using IAP?

    The user can pay for the product using the IAP feature, but how would I go about getting the user's physical address, to make the delivery?

  • Hello all. How do I create a Twitter feed? Does anyone know of a plugin I can use?

  • dop2000 Once again... Thanks man!