gtea's Forum Posts

  • 14 posts
  • As I understand, when exporting to web, conditions such as "On Rewarded Ready" will always trigger, whether or not a valid ad unit ID is provided. I assume this is because of Google's Ad Placement API?

    So, here's my problem: when running as an APK on a mobile device, "On Reward Ready" will randomly trigger even if I'm offline, like 20% of the time. There should be nothing to load, yet it triggers anways.(I tested this by creating a boolean to set true)

    It seems that the export still acts like a web export...Sometimes. I guess if there was a way to completely disable Google's Ad Placement API in the Mobile Advert plugin that would probably solve my problem.

    This seems like a bug.


    To add some context, the Mobile Advert conditions "On Reward Loaded" and "On Reward Ready" (named "On Video Ready/Loaded" in that version) worked exactly as expected and still do on my published app back in november 2020, so probably on r241 or so. I came back to make a few changes and update ad units, and then I noticed this strange behavior. Is there no way to toggle off the example web ads? These seem to trick the plugin into thinking an ad is loaded even if using admob. I feel web adverts should be a whole separate plugin.

    Another Edit:

    I submitted a bug report. After digging through some older posts I noticed this was a recurring problem, but viewed from a different angle.

    Most users concerns were along the lines of "Why aren't my ads loading?" and the assumption is that it was either user error, or something wrong on the admob end of things. My observation is that the admob ads ARE loading, but there's also a bunch false positives being mixed in by the Mobile Advert plugin. I think because of the amount of steps and variables along the way (Valid admob account, google play console setup, app id, ad units, proper export to APK) it's really difficult to pinpoint.

    However, I was fortunate to publish a working app back in r241, with Mobile Adverts and admob working as expected (still does last time I checked), so I knew none of the external steps were the issue.


  • Looks fun!

    I hope you make your target release window! Do you have a website or blog for this? I'd like to see more. Or maybe I'll just wait for the release...

  • About a week ago I received an email from Google AdMob stating:

    "The next major version release of the Google Mobile Ads SDK is expected in early 2021. Be sure to follow update guides closely to avoid potential revenue loss. See detailed migration guides:"

    followed by the link

    My game uses the Mobile Advert plugin. Is this something I'll need to worry about?

  • Cool, thanks for the input!

    That's good to know, it was still showing up as "Beta" for me and some people, but that's probably a problem on my end.

  • So I had recently published my game, "Magic Arrow", on Google Play.

    However, I hadn't realized there was already a game named "Magical Arrow". The similarity kind of bugs me, so I'm considering changing the name of my app.

    I'm hoping to get some other opinions on this. It's not a huge task, but is it worth the effort?

    Also, does it even show up on a search in the store?


  • Here is my first published game, Magic Arrow.

    Please give it a try!

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  • When I try to install the 9-8-2020 stable version it instead installs 5-10-2020b. 7-28-2020 installs as it should.

  • Yes, that was a mistake I made early on...I didn't design for multiple screen ratios, so the game is fixed at 16:9.

    As for the open beta, I had originally thought the link was needed, but it seems like it may be available to anybody who seeks out early access games.

    Anyways, thank you for trying it out! I still have lots to learn so my answers may not be too helpful.

  • I am almost ready to release my first game on Google Play! I just need some testers to make sure the game is bug free. If you have the time, please help!

    Here's the game page:

    And the opt-in link to test:

    Unfortunately the required specs are rather high (I had no idea what I was doing coming in), so an Android 10 compatible phone is preferred.

  • Alright, it turns out that the problem was the events that run after pressing retry. I haven't uploaded the new build yet but I think I fixed it!

    again, thanks for your time!

  • Thanks for taking the time to play and for the feedback!

    A tutorial is in the works so I'll keep your comments in mind.


    I haven't implemented a global scoreboard yet, however it should save locally. Are you clicking on Retry? Perhaps its not saving unless you exit, which is something I probably overlooked.

    As for the speed up, yes, it's intentional. There's a small yellow arrow on the bottom that's supposed to indicate the minimum enemy line. Clearly I didn't make it obvious enough. Any suggestions would be nice! The artist I'm working with suggested a dashed line across the screen but I thought that would be too jarring. I was thinking maybe a flag or something to indicate the vanguard. Any thoughts?


  • I figure I should at least show a screenshot.


    Please give it a try!

  • First of all, I'd like to thank everyone working on Spriter!

    Anyways, in the C3 runtime, something strange happens with any images in Spriter that have their alpha setting altered.

    Notice in Spriter the arrow is set to 0%

    In C2 it works as expected.

    However, in C3 it appears to be set to additive blend mode.

    By the way I'm using self draw mode.

  • 14 posts