grymmjack's Forum Posts

  • 12 posts
  • Hi yep that's what happens. It flickers black randomly and occasionally and I cannot for the life of me figure it out. It only happens with NWJS, the web is fine.

  • Thanks to heyguy for directing me here.


    Not so much a post of my WIP (even though it is one) but more of a ask for help regarding a flicker issue. The backgrounds occasionally flash black, and I cannot figure out why. It seems to only happen in the NW.js preview but not in the HTML web version?

    capx: ... 0x360.capx

    Live :

    I am really stumped why this flicker happens. I have the latest video driver from nVidia, etc.


    Is it related to the 1000px wide/tall tiling backgrounds overlapping with transparency using Sine behavior (sawtooth)? I tried to make scrolling backgrounds based on Jerementor idea from his Udemy course (that checkerboard diagonal scrolling effect) but maybe I screwed it up. I've got a 256x256 tiling background which I offset -128, -128 and set the amplitude to 128.

    Please help <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

  • In the forum it won't let me post a link to the original post using this reference - how on this forum do we cross-reference posts?

    Trying to preview or submit this shows this:

  • heyguy thanks. I did not know this. I'm brand new to the C2 world, and this forum particularly as well. Thank you for your kindness. I'll try to capture the flicker in a screen shot tool. Tell me, heyguy are you using 2 overlapping sine behaviored sprites that are more than 1000 pixels wide and tall? That's what I'm doing.

    Also, thank you for trying JFM. I'd love to try your project if you want feedback. Obviously the stuff I'm doing is very basic with JFM and I'm learning (much thanks to Jerementor and his excellent courses on Udemy and IfElseLearn) but the immediacy in which I'm able to take my ideas to actual working game, is just amazing.

    I'm hooked

  • Hi,

    Not so much a post of my WIP (even though it is one) but more of a ask for help regarding a flicker issue. The backgrounds occasionally flash black, and I cannot figure out why. It seems to only happen in the NW.js preview but not in the HTML web version?


    Live :

    I am really stumped why this flicker happens. I have the latest video driver from nVidia, etc.


  • I seem to be having the same issue here. Were you by chance using 2 background layers with Sine behaviors, algiz13?

  • Thank you GTGJon.

  • Hey guys whats up! So I've started work on my new game, Pixel Bear Adventure 2!!

    I've added a new mechanic, the ability to throw bombs! You can try a mini-demo below.

    Latest Demo

    (Only Tutorial works for now)

    Move and aim bombs



    K, 2 on Numpad, or A on Xbox controller

    Throw Bombs (first unlock them though!)

    J, 1 on Numpad, or X on Xbox controller

    Hope you enjoy the mini-demo, any feedback is much appreciated. The game is still in the early phases, but I'll try to update with each major change

    Very cool man. Really good pixel art, very good work. I'm new to C2 so I don't know how this works yet, but I will say this is extremely encouraging and inspirational to see for a newbie like myself. I like how it's going so far!

    Take it easy.

  • I have pretty much decided after this discussion and reading some of the Krita book to go with Krita, Spriter and Construct2.

    That gives me 3 programs to learn.

    Thanks for giving my thoughts some validity.


    Great choices. Have you grabbed the latest Krita? It's amazing.

  • For tracking, nothing beats Renoise, IMO.

    For making game sounds, I like to use VST plugins and stuff. I just created a YouTube video about this, and I'm not going to spam you with the URL unless you ask nicely <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" />

    For free, you could do a lot worse than OpenMPT (formery MODPlug Tracker)

  • hello!!


  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Hi there.

    I've just downloaded the free version of Construct2 per advice of Nick Sweetman whose course on Udemy has been an excellent primer on game art. I'm not a shill, but the URL is here:

    If Nick is here, Hi Nick!

    A few things about me:

    • I am 42 (just turned), live in Michigan in a suburb of Detroit (no, not Flint!).
    • I'm a married dad with a 7 year old girl who I'm doing my best to make as nerdy as possible to keep the boys away later!
    • I love computers, and have been using them since I was 8 when I started on a Apple ][e. I've been in love since.
    • My job today is a professional nerd by trade doing cloudy things and web things on Linux (LAMP actually) through AWS.
    • I love all facets of creativity on the computer: art, sound, music, gaming, story telling, you name it.
    • I've been around a long time, but I don't bite!

    I hope to create a game with my daughter called "Jupface Mansion" which we are still working on; and I'm recording the entire creation process for my YouTube channel (see profile for more info there). My YouTube channel is about the nerdy things I love to do, big shock. BTW, "jup" is the short name for bulldog in my family (TL;DR our old English bully Angus used to sound like this when he ran: "huppa juppa huppa juppa" as his lips flapped this way and that). Mansion comes from me playing with my daughter indoctrinating her into nerd-dom showing her games that I loved as a kid, one of the most impactful was Maniac Mansion. So we grabbed DOTT from Steam recently and I've been showing her point and click adventures. However, she's more of a platform lover (Shantae is her favorite but I recently showed her Kid Chameleon which she liked too: to see her reactions)

    I'm thinking since I have limited time, and I need a simple platform to teach my daughter how to make games on (which we're learning together I might add, as I only know web nerdery languages such as HTML/CSS/JS/PHP/Ruby/SQL/bash/chef/etc.) and it looks like based on Nick's recommendation Construct2 is a great introduction to just that. I had of course looked at Unity and have a few udemy courses on using that too, but that's a little much for us right now and we're looking for instant gratification here, not a greenlighted steam game. Simply something to share and have fun learning together. If it gets farther than that, great, but the main intent here is to have loads of fun drawing, making music, and creating a game as Father and Daughter.


    • Pixel art
    • Chip tunes
    • Gothic horror (HPL)
    • Roleplaying Games (D&D, Pathfinder, etc.)
    • Programming
    • Generally, making things using nerdy bits

    My Dream (I'm sure this is a shared thing here!):

    To build a game that is fun to play, trying to find that balance of putting all the things I love to do together in 1 medium.

    I do these things for fun:

    • Gaming (duh)
    • Play minecraft with my daughter (we're learning to mod with Forge thanks to the O'reilly book of similar name)
    • DAW/VST nerdery (music making: Ableton Live, Renoise, bungloads of plug-ins)
    • Play guitar (acoustic/electric)
    • Make arty things using art programs (photoshop, krita, xara, et al.)
    • Help people learn about things I also want to learn about

    Stuff and things:

    My Soundcloud:[/li]

    My DeviantArt: (not really maintained anymore)

    On a final note the most inspiring games I've played lately are Crawl, and Darkest Dungeon. <3

    I'm positively pregnant with ideas and possibilities right now, so I'm going to stop talking.

    That's it! Nice to meet you all! Thanks for having a fun place to hang out and learn about Construct 2.

  • 12 posts