Grimmy's Forum Posts

  • OKay, but I cant see any z-elevation option when adding the child, only x,y, width,height,angle and Destroy with Parent. I am using 218 stable. Maybe that's a new feature?

  • It does work exactly as you said it should. Make sure that when you add the particles to the parent you are not asking it to replicate the parent's Z-Elevation

    When creating the rock I am simply doing:

    -> System: Create object Particles on layer 0 at (Rock.X, Rock.Y)

    -> Rock: Add child Particles (X: True, Y: True, width: True, height: True, angle: True, destroy with parent: False)

    is that wrong?

  • I tried this but I have no idea how its used. Once I have picked the parent how do I access that object to tell it which zindex to be on. I tried a few things but nothing seems to work. I cant find any example usage.

    For example, I tried this but it doesnt work:

    + Particles: Pick Own parent Rock

    -> Particles: Set Z elevation to Rock.ZElevation

    I would have expected once the parent is picked to be able to do something like:

    + Particles: Pick Own parent Rock

    -> Particles: Set Z elevation to PickedParent.ZElevation

    But of course that command doesn't seem to actually exist. :)

  • I have a parent sprite that adds a particle child with the scene graph. As I cant seem to inherit the parents z index by default using the scene graph i need to do it manually, but there doesn't seem to be a way I can access an objects parent anywhere.

    For example: I want to tell the particle to be on the same layer as its parent.

    Any way to do this?

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  • It seems the issue might be with tags. I think if the tween finished contains ANY word from the tag then it triggers. I set each tag to just "centre" and "right" and now seems to work..

  • I cant really share the project as its quite massive. I found out that if I set the random time to a fixed time things start to look okay but of course that's the very thing that sets this apart from just using a timeline.

  • I'm trying to simply move an object (an eye) to a position and then back again at random times however with the code below the eye movement speeds up and seemingly the Trigger_Eye_Movement function is getting run over and over again. I do not understand this as it should only get triggered once the tweeen (look centre from right) has finished..

    I thought I knew how the wait system worked but clearly something is going terribly wrong. It seems like this should be something very simple to do.

  • Hi, I have an issue with the plugin 1.73 (C3 version r218) Its giving a TypeError: Cannot read property 'updateLocals' of undefined error pointing at aekiro_gameobject.updateLocals(); I've sent you a message on discord but no reply.

    I have initialized proUI at the start of each event sheet but when I switch layouts (even to an empty layout) I get this error.

    Hope you can help! Thanks!!


    I actually just fixed this by removing 4 unused gameobject behaviours from objects in the main layer 0. The behaviours didn't reference anything and the objects were not children of anything..maybe that's why it crashed?? I guess it still shouldn't crash though! :)

  • I can use a construct event like this

    Set Text to zeropad(floor(t/3600),2)&":"&zeropad(floor(t/60%60),2)&":"&zeropad(floor(t%60),2)

    ..but how would I do this in a JS snippet? (as zeropad is a construct 3 command).

    I guess the question is really how do I access C3 expressions from script.


  • Great. Thank You!

  • Hi, is remote preview on mobile accurate for performance testing? I always thought it was basically just some kind of stream from the PC where the PC is doing all the work...or is the mobile doing the calculations itself?

    Can I effectively use it for measuring mobile load times and fps?

  • Use the anchor behaviour on parts of your UI to have them fix to different parts of the screen. Along with the new scene graph tool (new pinning) I'm finding extremely easy to create UI layouts for different aspect ratios. Supporting a complex UI in both portrait AND landscape though will always be quite painful so you should probably stick to one or the other if your UI is complex..

    Once your anchors are in you can then add further refinement based of the current aspect ratio. For example you might want to completely reposition buttons if the phone is very narrow.

    When testing it you can resize your preview window in realtime to see what it will look like at different resolutions. You should make sure your game looks good between aspects of 4:3 (1.5)ipad all the way up to 2.3 which is the really thin Sony Xperia display. Most common aspect is 16:9 (or 1.77) which you should probably use as your default design view if you are developing for mobile.

  • Can I bump this? If I can get this working it will be a game changer and allow me 3d in my C3 games. It works great for web builds but not on device.

    Here is the web test version working

    You can see its loading an iframe with content using the Verge 3d engine and can send message events to the iframe via JS events. In this case I just hide/show the cube.

    Blue square is a C3 sprite while the message button is a c3 html button. The only downside is that the iframe layer is always above all the C3 elements.

    Now if I could just get this working on Android I'll be able to essentially combine the engines to have the best of both worlds.


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  • Has anyone tried mobile performance with ths?