Grill's Forum Posts

  • 7 posts
    • German -

    Hi leute

    ich versuche momentan ein kleines Team zusammenzustellen zur spiele Entwicklung .

    Wie viel Erfahrung ihr habt ist erstmal egal , pflicht ist nur das ihr zumindest Teamspeak habt ( oder im raum Dresden lebt )

    Einfach mal anschreiben

  • oh , i just saw that the old scores dosent get replaced when you have a higher score in the minigame, anyone knows how to fix this ?

  • Here is the first project i made


    you fly around and shoot stuff

    link is here :

    i think i was quite a bit of content there

    10 levels

    2 special levels

    1 minigame

    6 upgrades to buy

    and a couple of enemys in the levels for you

    oh and a big mean boss in the boss :D

    ps . try to beat the highscore in the minigame , a friend of mine has done 9500 points there in the beta testing O-o( i had only 5000)

    if you have a kongrate account give it 5 stars :D

  • hey Construct 2 makers, i bought a license allready a few days ago and got nothing.

    i even wrote you an email and no respond so far, so plz look in your emails or write me , its preatty annoying to pay for something and got nothing.

    and yes , i checked my spam mails ,too ;)

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  • oh ok , i didnt know that . so in this case i will buy my license tomorow from you :D

  • oh no , im preatty sure i will buy a license anyway . i was just asking if someone has a old license he dosent need anymore so i can buy for a discount :D

  • hi guys

    i just wanted to ask if someone has a standart license over or dosent need his one anymore so he can sell it to me

    i mean if this is allowed to ask , if not then i never said anything :D

  • 7 posts