greenheartgames's Forum Posts

  • 4 posts

    The issue is that native modules for nw.js need to be rebuild for every nw.js release. For us this wasn't an issue because we just stuck with one version (too many regressions in n-w at the time anyway).

    Moving forward we think the only workable way is to have greenworks automatically build for every nw.js release. I'm happy to say that the nw.js team is working towards that goal.

    Aurel : thanks for the call to action by the way. appreciated

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    Early on, in Game Dev Tycoon we had the issue that the steam overlay was unresponsive/didn't update properly. We eventually discovered that this happens when no drawing occurs. We never managed to get to the exact details of the issue but a simple workaround was to make that we redraw at least some part of the screen (a tiny canvas is enough) every x times per seconds. (we went with 15). Had absolutely no impact on performance but the steam overlay seemed to work correctly after that.

    Not sure if the issues you are seeing are the same but I thought it's worth mentioning.

    Hey everyone, We have now officially released Greenworks v0.3. This rewrite took some major effort and was largely triggered by the requests from this community. I'm glad to see that the result is very positive. (@Ashley You can get the latest binaries from github)

    So far, the development of Greenworks is 100% funded by Greenheart Games. If Greenworks helps your project, we'd appreciate your support. Please consider donating to our fundraiser. Many thanks.

    (EDIT: I don't seem to be allowed to post links. Please see /greenheartgames/greenworks for details).

  • 4 posts