Greaver's Forum Posts

  • Haha, I learned how to fix the timing.

    RyuCommand > 0 -> Wait 1.5 seconds -> set RyuCommand to 0

    I just learned about the System's Wait action, very handy.

    Again, I'm not experienced so this may be a bad way to do it. And of course you wouldn't be able to make a big roster of fighters using events like this when you're limited to 100 events. But hopefully you can work with this.

    EDIT: Just noticed that Hadouken still spawns a slow bullet too, because the condition for bullet is "On P pressed". So I also added the condition "RyuCommand smaller or equal to 1".

    I see, thanks for the response ^_^

  • Hey there! ^_^

    So you know the fighting games where u input 'down down, forward and X' to perform a special ability?

    Is that possible in C2? And how to do it?


    Hey there, sorry that doesnt work, the files cant be opened by construct2 - thanks for trying anyway ^_^

  • Is it possible to add a line around objects? In pixels? ^_^ At a chosen color?

  • Hello, i tried following some tutorials here, but whenever i upload the exported files into google drive, all i see is a bunch of files, pictures and stuff i did in C2. None of it is playable. Help?

    Yes i exported it as HTMl. All i get is a bunch of files once i upload it into google drive.

  • Yes, you should add the health variable to the family. Then place your mages on the layout and change the health variable to whatever you want for each mage.

    Aaaaah i see!! Thanks alot!! Worked perfectly!! ^_^

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  • I assume you added the instance variables on the family. In this case, substract 5 from health does exactly what you need. Instance variables are for each instance of the family, not the whole family.

    Should i not add the instance 'Health' variable to the family? I do not want all the members of the family to have the same Health.

    And if i try to add it individually, it says 'Health variable is already taken!' - due to it being on the family.

    EDIT: You got it backwards btw, i want each individual of the family to have their own health.

  • Greetings! ^_^

    So, i am not sure if this can be done in an easy way, but here we go. Sample;

    Family 1 - 'Mage Enemies'

    Member 1: Tiny mage (100 hp)

    Member 2: Sorcerer (200 hp)

    Member 3: Wizard (250 hp)

    And well, they are in the 'mage' family. So when they take damage, can we somehow make it accordingly to their individual HP, or must the entire family have the same HP, that is addding 'Health' string in the 'Mage Enemies' family instance?

    'Mage Enemies collision with bullet - Subtract 5 from health' <- i want this to go to individual enemy rather than family.

    Is this possible? Or must the entire family have the same HP value?


  • In that case you just have to use pick by comparison like I said in the post above.

    Here is a capx that shows how it is done: ... ision.capx

    Pick my comparison worked, thank you. ^_^

    In any case, the 'cat' has 8 direction and bullet state, which makes it not possible to remove the solid bumps without turning of collision, am i correct? It seems, it comes automatically inbuilt with the 8 direction/bullet behaviour.

  • It is not an action it is an event. So create a new event and select system-compare two values

    I know its an event. It doesnt work. There is more than 1 cat on screen, when reveresed (say cat distance to hero is less than 50) then all cats on screen die and not just the 1.

  • Use system --> compare two values

    Yes i did, there is only distance traveled.

  • There are many ways of doing this and keeping the collision on to make it simple. But if you need it off then you can compare the distance. And when the distance between the objects is too short it is game over. Like this:

    Compare two values


    is less than 5

    ---> game over

    Yes i need to keep the collision for several reasons. The object has bullet & 8 direction, which collision can not be ignored in this case.

    There is no distance between values, all i can pick is the distance traveled.

    'Compare two values'

    -Distance traveled is the only option found.

  • Greetings! ^_^

    So basically we have a cat chasing a mouse situation where the cat has collision off to pass solid objects while the mouse cant. Anyhow, upon the cat reaching the mouse, it should be game over.

    BUT since the collision is off on the cat, the trigger 'overlap mouse' does not work. Is there any other way?

    If X and Y of the cat = same as mouse = doesnt work either.

    Any solution for this?

  • > Cannot read property 'ApplyLinearImpulse' of null


    Judging from this, it sounds like the action is trying to apply an Impulse on an object that doesn't exist.

    Since you said that the error occurs when you are in a different layout than the one the game saved before:

    • Can the object that you are applying the impulse to be destroyed?
    • What kind of object is it that you are applying the impulse to?
    • What physics type are you using? Did you try to change it? (Project properties -> asm.js/web

    Can you also try to put a "Wait dt seconds" before you apply the impulse?

    If all this doesn't help, you can try to save the object's status' in an Array and save the Array as JSON in LocalStorage.

    This will, of course, be a very tedious thing to do, but if it's the last option, you might wanna do this instead of leaving the error in your game.

    Hey there! Thanks for ur time, appreciated! Adding DT worked and the problem is solved.

    The impulse was on a ''floating'' text message with a destroy on fade. No idea what caused the error. I tried changing physics but it did not help.

    However adding a DT time worked, same goes for ''wait 0.1 second''.

    Thank you for your kind reply ^_^

    -All the best!

  • Seems to be working now when i deleted the physics impulse.

    Code is;

    'X on created, - apply physics impulse 10 at angle 270 + (15-random30)) at image point 0'

    Why would this crash the game? And how to fix this code?