granpa's Forum Posts

  • I have not tried this and don't really know if it will work in your situation but what about

    angle(x1, y1, x2, y2) Calculate angle between two points

  • Parallax

    Change the rate at which the layer scrolls in the horizontal and vertical directions. A parallax rate of 100, 100 means ordinary scrolling, 0, 0 means it will never scroll (useful for UIs), 50, 50 means scrolling half as fast, etc. Also useful for multi-layer parallaxing backgrounds.

  • Add this condition to the event where the main character collides with the ghost....

    character on collision with ghost

    trigger once action > ghost spawn book

    Trigger once while true

    Turn an ordinary event (which is tested every tick) in to a trigger. For example, if an event plays a sound when lives equals 0, normally this event runs every tick. This plays about 60 sounds a second and would sound pretty bad. Adding Trigger once while true after the other conditions makes the event run just once when it first becomes true. This makes the previous example only play a sound once the first time your lives reaches 0. It must be the last condition in an event.

  • Trigger once while true

  • There are several ways that you could do this , first take the add timer action out of the every tick event . If the player disappears then put the add to timer action under a is visible event or any other event that relates to the player being active , then the timer would not increment when the player is invisible or has crashed .

  • Very generous of you , I am sure many will benefit from your assets .

  • Have you considered using lerp or easetween

    lerp(a, b, x) Linear interpolation of a to b by x. Calculates a + x * (b - a). ... rX3vhEN6ig ... 53288.html

  • Are you sure you did not disable a condition and then try to enable it by enabling the event , I have had this happen to me , you have to enable the condition while the event is enabled . Just a thought .

  • You diffidently aren't alone in this matter , left to my own graphics people would think it was made by a 5 year old .

  • It does suggest a few ideas , several of the illusions interest me .

  • Audio tags

    Some actions affect audio parameters such as the volume for sounds which are already playing. However there can often be many sounds playing at once in a game. In order to identify which sounds you want to affect, sounds are played with an associated tag. This is any string that identifies the sound. For example, the player's weapon sound effect could be played with the tag "PlayerWeapon" and an enemy's weapon with the tag "EnemyWeapon". Then, the tag can be used in the Set Volume action to specify which sound to set the volume for. Tags are case insensitive.

    Multiple sounds can also play at once using the same tag. In this case actions like Set Volume affect all the sounds playing with that tag.

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  • Not according to the manual , you could however control opacity through events .

  • 16 gazillion colors to chose from and you only pick two , just kidding , actually it is quite refreshing , graphics are very good .

  • I wish they would read the posts ahead of them , the other day there were 4 different posts from 4 different people , yet almost identical in subject matter .

  • As long as you found a way that works for you , good luck with your game .