Graeme's Forum Posts

  • 3 posts
  • In tutorial "How to make a platform game", it says: "Let's import the Background Image\Background.png file from the sprite pack.", but I can't find that location anywhere. I want my year 10 students to work through the tutorials as they are really instructive, but I'm just a little lost with this bit.

  • Hey Mazzran,

    Is it possible you would be interested in sharing the contents of the Moodle - perhaps zipped. I'm hoping you may have them in Word or PDF docs that can be edited. I want to start a course for upper primary students in our local feeder primary schools (I'm on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland incidentally).

    I was hoping to get some existing tutorials, edit them up for the primary aged, then repost on here for others to then use.



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  • Hi,

    I'm looking to use Construct 2 with upper primary students as a way of engaging them in CS generally.

    It all looks very promising so far!

    One question: can anyone point me to any existing lesson sequences (tutorial style) which I may be able to base my lessons on? The only tutorials I can see are the online ones, which I am sure are fine, but I was just wondering if there are already Word/PDF-based ones which make it easier to edit and distribute for students.



  • 3 posts