c2 95, found this easy to fix and very annoying bugs:
Props panel:
Highlights property on click but dows not act this way on pasing either with ctrl+v or paset cmd from menu. Instead of replacing highlighted text it just adds. Manual drag-and-drop mouse highlighting does nothing, shift+arrow does not even highlight text. Its very annoying.
How it should be:
- Just clicking should either highlight or not entire text (must be configurable)
- Doubleclicking should highlight single word
- Tripleclicking should highlight entire text
- ctrl+v or whatever pasting should replace highlighted text
- ctrl+z should not act like total undo, it should just take one step back in editing prop text (look how it works in every browser). If you just misplaced something with ctrl+v then ctrl+z must undo only this but not entire project.
Projects panel:
ctrl+c and ctrl+v does not works at all when editing names!
forums copyright notice says its 2011. Does scirra became copyleft in 2012 of team just need serious project management and design giudelines?
Dont let this great tool became victim of mismanagement!