gorgonzola3000's Forum Posts

  • Beautiful art direction ! I envy you!

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  • I'm absolutely fascinated how this looks totally insane and beautiful at the same time ! I think your game is more than that, and can be considered as a true work of art !

  • Thank you for the nice comments.

    I don't know what degree of narrative I can put in the game but,

    the idea of an alliance between cats and hamsters is actually a great idea. Maybe they could fight at some point in the end of the game against a same enemy. Never thought about that that way, as cats are like, hamsters archenemies :)

  • Hahaha, I see :)

    well, I guess this glitch is caused by the parallaxe parameters of the leaves layer. I'll correct this asap. Thanks !

  • Thanks for the feedbacks ! Glad you liked it !

    That' s very motivating. The next step is actually to add more Rpg stuff, like loot, armors, stats, and craft.

    The music is a royalty free music, that I bought. The rights are affordable for free usage. But I will have to pay additional fees if I decide to make profits with the game.

    sirLobito: sorry,but my english is not very good, what do you mean by "sleves" ? I'll check that asap. Thanks!

  • Thanks, KaMiZoTo !!

    Odin Sphere is actually one of my favourite game! :)

    I should have mentionned that it can cause some dizziness to some players,

    after playing too long, you can actually feel that everything move around you. ( which I think is cool :) )

    I realized that I didn't have enough credential to post hyperlinks, so I edited the links. Sorry for that :)

  • <img src="http://www.loot-corp.com/hamstarok/screenshots/hamsta_logo_s.png" border="0" />

    Hello everyone !

    I'm very glad to present you the game I'm currently working on,

    since two weeks.

    I heard a lot of good things about Construct 2,

    so I decided to give it a shot and I'm not disappointed.

    For the moment, I have a great time learning C2.

    I still have a lot to learn, though.

    Anyway, I finally have a playable version of my game, an endless runner/platformer/hack and slash.

    For the moment, I only implemented the basic mechanic, but I think it gives a pretty good idea of the core gameplay. I'm planning to add light RPG features. And some more traps and enemies.

    This version is not very well balanced, but the challenge is definitely there :)

    <img src="http://www.loot-corp.com/hamstarok/screenshots/hamstarok_01.png" border="0" />

    <img src="http://www.loot-corp.com/hamstarok/screenshots/hamstarok_02.png" border="0" />


    Browser - Chrome strongly recommended


    It needs a lot of optimization.

    It's kind of heavy, sorry for that.

    Still working on that.



    Unrar, install dxwebtup, and launch Hamstarok.exe


    Move left/right : Left/Right arrows

    Jump : Up arrow

    Double Jump : Jump in mid air

    X : basic attack

    Meteor Attack : Double jump, then, on fall, X+down arrow

    The Meteor attack is not that useful, but it will be once the enemies will have health bar and armors.

    Tips :

    Try not to move to far on the right. Try to stay on the left/center of the screen.

    Beware of the tunnels, the enemies are less apparent.

    Try to stay on top of the tunnels as much as possible.

    With some practice you will be able to change direction during a jump.

    I hope you'll enjoy this !

    Comments, suggestions, feedbacks are welcome !

    Hamstar?k on Facebook :


  • Oh my bad, there was probably a problem with my connection...

    Anyway, I had the chance to test it. very cool !

    Will it possible to add several type of lights, like point lights ?

  • That looks really impressive, this will certainly be a nice addition.

    But it looks like the link is dead...