goofyerr's Forum Posts

  • its ok, thank you very much Colludium, but i did try that :0p

  • glad your finding this fun alextro, i have tons of other games with unique gameplay in mind....which you might also find interesting :0p

  • sure TwinTails,

    I found some forum articles in here on making your own custom borders and enabling dragging the mouse on it, below is the closest example, i can't find the others but you get the idea.

    I think the new node-webkit exported for C2 might have a bug, because i also tried editing a file within the exported targeted OS and it didn't work, i can provide all my research on here if you like.

    to test this bug on your machine, go to the folder where you are running the game, and look for a file that has the following extension .nw, open it using 7zip, winzip, winrar and look for package.json file and edit the "window" : section to apply what you are interested in testing, for me was the frame save it and run the game, see what you get.

  • hi tuxworld, did that work?

  • thats looks pretty cool. thnx Somebody

  • quick update, thnx to alextro, i am having so much fun playing with the different words, and world idea is pretty crazy. Once all the holiday things settle i should be able to focus on the game development more.

  • thnx very informative xoros

  • found a work around for this but not happy :0[

  • you should be able to to move that tree, maybe the tree is locked in one of those layers, did you try unlocking them or clicking on the eye icon to make sure the tree is located in the correct layer?

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  • grigrizljac awesome!!!! now we're talking, i wonder since it is html5 if that code can be

  • I guess it depends, but construct2 has some nice mobile templates which make it easy to release on android/mobile then a pc. I for one would release on mobile since the audience is bigger and easier to reach, great example recently i made a quick game not thinking about mobile, and when I requested for my friends and family to test it they all said "it would have been easier if you send it to our phones, because i am not on the computer" and to this day i am still waiting on a response from most of them.

  • thnx Aphrodite good to know.

  • hope this helps,

    theres also many different ways to get this done if you search the threads, or google while using construct2+shake

  • I think they get loaded in ram, but not used.

  • can you make a video capture of what your trying to do, because i don't understand why you can't select them all. have you tried to hold the Ctrl key and selecting the objects like that and then try to move them?