gomotion100's Forum Posts

  • I'm making a small horror game, and the main mechanic is to run to a hallway, and then hide behind your hands. Unfortunately, after hours and hours of working on it, I can't get this simple mechanic to function. If anybody would be willing to help me, here is the game so far https://www.dropbox.com/s/3ltateuu120s6j0/fnaf5.capx?dl=0

    The goal is to, when the scrape sound is heard (which is random as to whether it will play), or in this case the visual cues for when the scrape sound might play are on screen when the orange box hits the first bumper, you must run to the hall, and within the span of 7 seconds you must hide with space for 3 straight seconds, preventing being jumpscared.

    I know it's a lot to ask, but this is the first and last time I will ever post something like this. Thanks to anyone who can help!

  • in psuedo code it would be something like this:

    on space pressed

    -- if hide is true

    > unhide

    -- else

    > hide


    What would that be physically in Construct then? I'm not very experienced

  • ... the same button?

    I'm making a game where you are required to hide behind your hands to hide from monsters. I want to use space to hide and "not hide", so how would I toggle between the two animations with space?

  • I want my title sprite to slowly move around in it's spot as if it were floating.

  • ... 4-directional, tiled character movement system? I'm making an RPG, and I want the character to move like one would in any other RPG, in a tile way.

  • one way would be to place a text object over the box and then ad an event "each tick" or "every x seconds" set text to "$" & GLOBALVARIABLE

    Thank you!

  • Or rather, a Box that says CURRENCY: (amount of currency) that displays at all times

    At some points in this game, you collect, let's just call them coins. The amount of coins collected will be stored in a global variable, but how do I get the amount of coins to show up in the currency Box?

  • Many ways to achieve this, probably the easiest would be starting with the 8-direction-behaviour and setting it to 4 directions..

    How would I achieve moing my character in a grid?

  • Basically what the title says. I'm making an RPG, and I need my character to make in 4 directions only, up down left and right, and would like him to move in a grid, like Pokemon X.

  • For these kind of events it's easiest to work with instance variables:

    give the balloon a boolean instance variable ConnectedToPlayer

    -Player On collision with Balloon

    > Play Audio "Item"

    > Balloon set boolean variable ConnectedToPlayer to true

    - Balloon is ConnectedToPlayer

    > Set Balloon position to Player

    Thanks so much!

  • I need RainbowBalloon to teleport to the Player every tick after I collide with Balloon, I've tried

    Player -> On collision with Balloon -> Play Audio "Item"


    l--> System -> Every Tick -> Set RainbowBalloon position to Player

    but it sets position to the player once.

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  • ... in a set time?

    I need something like:

    when button clicked

    title moves to pos.xyz and takes 3 seconds to move

    Not to START moving, to actually take 3 seconds to move from point a to point b

  • ...hold down two keys at once to move?

    So atm, my character moves with WASD, the usual. But when I, say, press W and A, to make my character go NW, it goes in the complete opposite direction.

    Is there a way to program my character to move properly with WASD, and when two keys are held down it moves in the correct in-between direction?

  • I need to make my RPG pause whilst having access to a pause menu

  • How about using a global variable to store the frame number and set the animation frame to be that variable...?

    How would that work