Gloomie's Forum Posts

  • 15 posts
  • Interesting approach! So then I would also place all the objects initial images and their extra animation images in the same animation set? I wonder if this would bring perplexity later on.

    How did people do such things before families were introduced?

  • I have 20 objects (eg Hero, Enemy, Ball, Cloud). All of them have a boolean var "movable" which can be altered inside the game.

    When player presses the right button i want to move all the object instances that are currently marked as movable. How can i pick them since they are from different objects? I have no access to families yet (just evaluating c3).

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I was also shocked to find this Signal thing, it can decouple code and I wonder why people dont use it regularly.

  • What is the difference between the *condition* "System: on signal X" and the *action* "System: wait for signal X"?

    In other words, where should we use "wait for signal"? Can you give an example of "wait for signal" proper usage?

    If i use it inside a set of actions and the signal never arrives, what happens with that block of code? Potential bugs magnet?

  • Many thanks, very informative post! :)

  • Nice game, good luck!

    Can you elaborate on how did you manage to implement Firebase? Did you use any plugins? How was the process, are there any technical barriers? Thanks!

  • eski

    Nice game and very playable, congrats! I see you have more than 500 downloads in two weeks, which means that users are spreading the word...

    If you don't mind, what scaling options have you used for the objects to be spread across the device vertical axis? Scale outer + Anchors to layout?

    Something other, it seems that the sounds are a bit delayed (about 300 ms after the touch). Is this by design or due to chromium audio delay? I thought there must be a solution for this issue but all the C3 games I've downloaded have the exact same audio lag.

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    So, what is the reason of changing engines? The switch export or the engine itself?

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    I think that c3 is customizable enough. The reason of its existance is that it handles the project architecture for the developer and leaves just the logic to be built.

    What the developer has to excell in is creativity. One of the best 2019 games, Baba is You, was built with Fusion! It could be easily built with c3. The tools are there...

    Now, would baba develop his next project with c3? I doubt it. C3 is marketed and developed as web-first (and that leaves the other exports with inefficiencies). He would want to choose a tool that offers convenience but secures the target platforms first. Broader audience is now the goal. So he will probably end up to unity+playmaker/bolt even for games that are better deliverable with c3...

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    Cocos family has a lot of projects. One of them is Cocos2d-js in which you write javascript cocos calls and it's translated (binded) to c++ cocos calls via Cocos2d-x. For C3 to use this route, I guess it should map its core actions to the 2d-js actions.

    However, my point is not to promote cocos, but rather to encourage the team to consider whatever technologies it takes for the end result to scale according to the needs of the crowd. Html5 is just one thing. Flutter is probably the next/better Flash. UX tools with code-autogeneration is another big thing. Mono/.net is the new gamedev lingua franca. Things evolve. Construct is not the best html5 game engine (Defold is), but it is the best event-sheet software around. For me, Construct is a shiny event-sheet that happens to lack native exporters. Eitherwise I would abandon Unity in no time for Construct! Do you know how many "professional Unity developers" actually work with shit-tools like Playmaker? It's ridiculous. Construct is miles ahead. And it is consumed for making games for kongragate, while the industry lives its most wealthy times in history with mobiles to be 1/3rd of the revenue generator and a tablet console to sell better than ps4. The paradise of the indies is not in ...kongragate! I wonder why such a wonderfull product is spared on a web-first strategy. Web what? Desktop web is dead. Web is on mobile (90%). Web IS mobile (and mobile is changing... it's not Android neither iOS anymore... it's becoming "Flutter", and it happens to have a powerful webview!).

    Just connecting dots...

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    Xbox One has "GamePass", which will be huge in the forthcoming future...

    However, I also believe that Construct needs a second export option as an alternative to html5. For example, GDevelop is experimenting with Cocos2d-js for native builds. A smarter move for Construct would be to use cocos2d-x lite which is also what powers Cocos Creator (2d-js is getting EOL now). Cocos2d is the most mature engine in the mobile scene and exports to everything except consoles (even this may be doable with some additional tweaks).

    I understand that the team has strong opinions on keeping the project on a clean bet (html5) in which it specializes. However, I (hope and) believe that Construct deserves to be bought for some millions by a big player and become popularized to the masses. The value of your product is not it's subscriptions or the user base - it's the technology concept that works wonderfully and has not yet been monetized by a big company.

    It makes no sense for FSM-based visual scripting to be popular nowadays (Blueprint, Playmaker, Bolt etc), when eventsheets are so more readable and productive. But Fusion is almost abandoned and Construct/GDevelop are considered as toys due to the lack of a native exporter. I'm not saying that you should change your strategy. Just consider some auto-translation options that exist. Just my 2c...

  • I want to calculate and set some "optimal content width and height" global variables, lets say = x% of the window size, depending on the aspect ratio of the screen. I know how to do that, but I can't find a way to set these globals before my objects are created (since they use these vars with a "on created" event).

    I can solve this with an intro layout where I set the vars and then "go to next layout". This way, however, the setup is broken everytime I press preview (as it runs only the current layout, by default).

    The second option I thought of was to set them inside a js script in "runOnStartup" function. However I can't find how to get the screen width,height from there.

    I guess there must be some event condition that becomes true before objects creation ("on layout start" happens after objects are created)...

    Any ideas?

  • Oh I see. So the product is not just exporting html5/js to cordova but is structurally connected to it. I didn't know this. I guessed that people use various wrappers beyond cordova without problems but this was probably the case only for construct 2.

    I'm going to better evaluate the product. Thanks again for your time.

  • Thanks for the answer. I will try some construct games to other devices to better see their start-up responsiveness. Maybe some other forum members can help with their experience too.

    Regarding flutter, I am just talking about nesting construct html5 exports to a flutter webview - not porting anything. Construct 3 is an excellent product, I wouldn't like anything to be changed or ported from html5. However someone could for example use some 3rd party services on the host side (flutter) and communicate some info to c3 javascript (with messages). But the extensions of functionality is not my priority, I mostly would like to host html5 inside flutter instead of cordova...

    I have read that other guys have done this with flutter + phaser, so it must be doable technically with construct 3 too?

  • Hi,

    I'm following Construct developments for a very long time but what keeps me out is the Cordova wrapping (for Android/iOS). This wrapper makes mobile apps to start in a stuttery way and the app icon doesn't seem to be pressed when user touches it (I hope you understand what I'm talking about). The feeling is of somewhat "broken".

    Recently, I started developing in Flutter and while it is a thin and wonderful shell for apps, it doesn't provide the simplicity and productivity of Contrust 3 for games. I know how to code and I'm doing this for many years with many game platforms and native code, however nothing can beat the event-sheets of Construct, in terms of productivity!

    I wonder if it's possible (with any costs or effort) to wrap Construct html exported files within a Flutter WebView. It seems that Flutter can load local html files so I don't see the reason for this to not be technically possible.

    This would be something huge! You would keep the productivity of Construct 3 and additionally gain the buttery start-up times and feeling of a Flutter app. Furthermore, you would gain the availability of hundreds packages that Flutter has (like full Firebase, and other services) that are difficult to be provided and supported officialy by Construct/Cordova, whereas in Flutter some of them are open-source and official (Google) and you know that Flutter is exponentially growing, so the whole scenario is extremely future proof.

    So, has anyone combined Construct 3 with Flutter WebViews till now? I'm ready to join your family if that would be possible! Thanks for your time :)

  • 15 posts