Hi all
I have a hud layer which of course I do not want to move while the camera then scrolls around my layout.
However I want messages as text to appear in the centre of the screen on all size devices.
I have tried to make sense of the mish mash of tutorials and comments on how to do this, but it never seems to work correctly. At the moment I have a HUD layer, and my text object has an anchor behaviours on it.
I tried then setting this to a position but learn anchors ignore this so when i set X as WindowWidth/2 - Self.TextWidth/2 it does absolutely nothing.
So how can I guarantee that when this text object contains the string "Welcome" it is centre of the screen, and also when it contains the string "Loriem Ipsum dipsum do" of a different length this is also centered?
At the moment I have an anchor behaviour added, and hotspots and horizontal align all set to center.
But its never center when i load it on different screens/browser widths.
thanks for any guidance.