Gillis's Forum Posts

  • I am making an RPG. Check my journal on deviant art..

  • Perfect. That worked. Thanks.

  • Sorry guys... my Capx is 60MB. (Msg me Ashley if you want it. I can upload it to my FTP for you if need be.) I am rolled back to r90 right now and not too worried about this. This was mainly a courtesy FYI

    In r90 I used FullScreen on scale mode in r90 with success. I did not updated to r91,or r92. I did update to r93 today. I noticed it was a little better performance. The one observation I made is that in r93. The stretch(on scale) video mode causes my menu images that used to be centered in r90 to be down and to the right. The primary trick I used in r90 to center was (WindowHeight - self.Height) When it comes to r93, It will not scale with the on scale... or what is now called stretch. The other modes seem to be fine... but it looks like the ability to use (WindowHeight) & (WindowWidth) broke in r93

    Here are some code examples of what I was doing to center my custom built menus. However, you can duplicate this easily by centering an image every tick in r90/r93 with the following "Heuristic"

    I made a menu that was an image put in the middle of the screen with an "Set Position" every tick.

    Menu Background image used to be set up like this:

    New X Co-Ordinate in Pixels:

    ((WindowWidth - self.Width)/2) + 400

    New Y Co-Ordinate in Pixels:

    ((WindowHeight - self.Height)/2) + 300

    Cursor was setup like this:

    New X Co-Ordinate in Pixels:

    ((WindowWidth - self.Width)/2) + (400 - 419 - 52) + (52 * CursorX)

    New Y Co-Ordinate in Pixels:

    ((WindowHeight - self.Height)/2) + (300 - 483 -52) + (52 * CursorY)

    I would Create menu items dynamically like this:

    Create object    Inventory_HUD2 on layer "HUD" at ((WindowWidth - Menu.Width)/2) + (52*(MenuArray.CurY+1)) +304, ((WindowHeight - Menu.Height)/2) + (52*(MenuArray.CurX+1)) + 40

    If I use r93 and run the game and pull up the menu and start playing around with the windows size it scales funny until I scale it down to the default unstreched size of 800 x 600.

    I love Construct! Keep up the good work guys!


    Windows XP SP3 (Confirmed on my Windows 7 box too)

    AMD Radeon HD 6670 w/ Latest Driver

    4GB Corsair RAM

    Tested with both:

    Chrome 19.0.1084.52

    Firefox Aurora

  • I will move mine to a new post sorry guys.. I thought this was related.

  • EDIT: moved to new thread.. This was not related like I thought.

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  • Your post helped me bigtime. thanks!!

  • I have figured out how to get around this problem ... kind of... make the background image bigger than what you will show. That way instead of seeing white you will see the extra edge of the image. I hope that makes sense

  • OK. Somehow it bogs the cpu down when I go global. Let me double check a few things. r87

  • Is this still in progress? I would love to be able to transport my inventory array between layouts.

    I am thinking I might be able to get away with reconstructing the array between maps by using a FOR EACH with a "Pipe" delimiter...

    Something similar to

    ArrayPass0 = ArrayPass0 & "|" & MenuArray.At(MenuArray.CurX,MenuArray.CurY,MenuArray.CurZ)

    Then for each on paramater of xyz for

    tokenat(arraypass0, loopindex+1,"|")

    ...on the other map

    No luck yet.. but thats my ideaw

  • thank you

  • Thanks. Construct 2 is making my dream of making this game come true.

    It makes it so that an artist with basic to intermediate programming knowledge able to do amazing things without relying on anyone else. >.<

    But thanks again!

  • Recreating worked. i am sure it was something obvious that i will never know. Big thanks kittiewan!

  • Thanks. I will keep trying.   I am using paralax.

    Right now I am not distributing my capx because of the years of custom graphics involved. Thanks for your help.

    I will try to recreate the particles.

  • I have 8 layers and a vent that shoots out particles.

    I have messed with putting it on all different layers and messed with the z order and "Move to Bottom" as well.

    Is it just not supported? Do particles always have to overlap other things. It just looks weird when the boss runs in front of the vent and the particles are over him.

    Thanks for any ideas.

  • OK,

    Here is a demo flash movie of the gameplay so you can get an idea:

    I am making a side scrolling game that uses hand draw backgrounds (drawn by me) with invisible boxes for the floor that have physics applied. There smooth sloping inclines. The invisible boxes are set to immovable. The floor does not vary that much in angle and the angles are slight.

    I have a beetle type enemy that I need to 'slide' (walk back and forth) across the floor but not roll or cartwheel. There are no other objects with physics in the games besides the beetle and the floor. So far everything is working good and the beetle walks great and rotates with the scenery as he walks but every once in a while he "trips" and cartwheels rotating too far (This happens far more often in Firefox for some reason). This would be easily remedied if I could limit the rotation of an obj using physics. I have looked into ragdoll a lot an cant get that to help.

    The beetle using the following behaviors:

    Custom Movement

    Platform (ignores default controls)



    This works best I have found... but does not account for the tripping

    The only reason I didnt want to share my CAPX is because I have images that took months to draw in there that I am being stash with at this point.

    Any ideas?

    There are screenshots of my game on (Luna)
