Gillis's Forum Posts

  • I cannot get anything to run in WebGL with Awesomium in 109 or higher. It seems to force Canvas2d without errors. I have two test rigs one XP SP3 with a Radeon HD 6850 and te latest catalyst. I have a Windows 7 box with Nvidia 550 ti and it refuses to use WEbGL as well. Just thought I would report this. Deffinatly still happening in 111. I know this is probably an Awesomium bug...

  • I'm not sure why but Awesomium is using Canvas2d in Windows 7 with 111. Is anyone else getting this?

    EDIT: 12.1 OK so I found another post that answers this.


    makedit - Awesomium exports from r106 should force WebGL on all the time regardless of the graphics card. How are you determining that WebGL is disabled on these cards?

  • I always design my backgrounds bigger than will show on your target resolution so that if someone re-sizes to some weird size your extra image will save you (in the blank areas). This works well if you are creative and build backgrounds with this in mind.

    On small layouts sometimes I put a small invisible object in the middle of the screen and do a scroll to. That always centers where I want... anyways... just ideas.

  • R0J0hound. That worked like a charm. It seems to work a lot faster now too. Thanks for your help!! This is so cool!!!!!!

    Marking Thread solved!

  • Thank you so much. I will mess with this tonight. :D <img src="smileys/smiley32.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • OK. I will check this out tonight. It would be killer if you could upload a modification of my capx for an example? :) :) I would be forever grateful, but I will check it out tonight.

  • I have tinkered with (A*)Node Pathfinding in the past and have not been impressed with the static rail feeling. I like the variance that I get from my "Quad Model". I will put tinkering with A* in Construct 2 on my todo list but I am hoping I can optimize my Quadralant Path-finding theory as it is working.... it's just that the code gets a bit messey. I am happy with how it works now, just unhappy with the hundreds of lines of extra unnecessary code.

    Thanks for your input!

  • That is an interesting concept. That is a pretty huge re-write for me unfortunately. I am hoping that I can simply rewrite the IF part.

    ...and yes. Quad objects need an instance for all other quad objects. Right now, for example, there are 82 quads in level 1 of Luna. I used the quad system for Player2 and enemies. Each quad knows the direction to all other quads. I can even use it for story events if I want Player 2 to lead and I follow. Pretty effective but a LOT of work to wire up

    Thanks for your idea. I might mess around with this if no one can directly solve my IF issue.

  • bump :)

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  • I have successfully created a system for path-finding in Construct 2 for my game Luna. Whereas the second player can successfully follow you through the level with ease. However, I need help optimizing the code. The method I use utilizes a lot of IF statements since I cannot hard code a reference to an instance variable. This method will be of interest to a lot of people I am sure.

    The theory that I exercised was that by using a series of quadrants and then measuring the distance to Player1 and Player2 you could read the direction of how to get to the quadrant that is nearest Player1 by reading the instanced direction from the quadrant closest to Player 2 (Similar in theory to a DNS lookup)... Well this worked splendidly!, but I just need help optimizing the IF statements.. so that I don't have to use a bunch of IFs. Thanks for looking and enjoy using this method I created in your own projects!

    <font color="RED">I have commented the code where I need help. ( UPDATE 11.29.2012 SOLVED! )</font>

    Download Gillis CAPX Example File <- My original file

    Download R0J0hound optimized CAPX Example File

    <font color="BLUE">Watch the Female Character for an example of my Quadralant Path-finding in use!</font>


    Thanks for looking


  • I'll try to get a mode detailed tutorial up soon!

  • New footage of Luna is up on youtube.

    Watch on Youtube



  • Thanks, I am working with a sound guy now on redesigning all the audio and music. My initial audio is pretty bad. :)

  • Mods.. can you move to C2 forum? sry

    Here is a little code snippit of how I make advanced menu systems in my game. I do the following in conjunction with the 'rex_pause' add-on to pause the game.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    <img src="" border="0" />

    I am hoping this will be helpful to someone else.

  • Here is my game <font color="BLUE">Luna Shattered Hearts</font>.


    Watch on Youtube

    <img src="" border="0">

    <img src="" border="0">

    <img src="" border="0">

    I am keeping updates here:

    <font color="CYAN">My Twitter</font>

    <font color="BLUE">My Deviant Art Blog</font>

    Thanks for Looking!
