Can you try this fx with transparent layer please and let me the result;
Is this version is ok for you ?
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Comment this preprocessor directive line like this ;
//#extension GL_OES_standard_derivatives : enable
hope this will help
Sure you can;
You must send an example type of image and then i must meditate on it :)
Hi nice people;
I have another CRT monitor fx on my ssd let me share this with you;
the fx name is : CRTMonitorFX2 for layer;
and the live demo fx
Hope you like it;
Changed this method to plugin and then the fx is now work without
speed impact... So i must finish this plugin .. just warp fx is included
in this plugin ... nothing changed in scirra shader fx ..
this warp fx is made with shadertoy .. and included in this plugin
with shadertoy container..
example is here .
I think i know this problem but can you send me a .capx
for making test ?
So i have added alpha factor value, you will understand when testing
demo this value affect blur but will solve the problem;
download fx and example from here you must replace all fx file with
the original;
my website : gigatron3k.free.fr/Intro
lowp vec4 front = texture2D(samplerFront, vTex)* 0.0867265826959637;
try to replace this line by and test again:
lowp vec4 front = texture2D(samplerFront, vTex);
Nice, thank you... i will (hope) more active here ...
I am working with lazarus pascal for different project not for game but
working too on C2 like fx and plugin .. in my spare time ;
Sure i will look the issue, please send me the .capx and i will try to do
what expected.
Hi nice people around the galaxy;
Another nice fx for C2 Here like glass fx but just bit different;
Live demo use mouse to move pictures to test this demo;
Will upload the fx soon;
why i dont see any of your download links?
Scirra team removed all links ? Don't know why ?
The solution for C2 is the first channel0 must be
sprite1 image0
channel 1 sprite1 image1
channel 2 sprite2 image2
channel 3 sprite3 image3
like SamplerFront,SamplerFront1,SamplerFront2,SamplerFront3.