gibbon's Forum Posts

  • Realised this is due the BBcode being enabled on the Text element!

  • I have reported this as a bug but I just wanted to check its not me doing it wrong?

    Can someone in the know confirm this?

    Basically want to add an array to a JSON element and "push" elements into the array.

    But the actions simply do nothing.

    example attached.

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  • Ok I solved this by modifying the manifest file.

    It would be useful if we have "some" control of the manifest, such as any additions parameters to put in.

  • Hi, I am trying to get my android app to communicate with my LOCAL web server. It is a super light weight web server without any SSL requirements.

    I am testing my app using the Android Studio and can see that my requests are not getting through to the local web server. I have done plenty of testing on the web server side through browsers which works no problem.

    I have a feeling this is to do with it not being https, but I really don't need the requirement for this. Is there any way?

    This is the Android Studio Log error...

    2020-09-24 14:09:27.273 7777-7777/? I/chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(2590)] "[Construct 3] AJAX request to '' (tag '') failed: [object ProgressEvent]", source: file:///android_asset/www/scripts/c3runtime.js (2590)

    I have also trying using "localhost".


  • Hmm, think its down to this cheapo android tablet.

    It says it android 9, but android studio indicates the SDK version is 19 which is Android version 4.4?

    Very odd...

    I am an iOS user so wanted to test on android, I guess ill just have to use Android Studio to emulate.

  • I am having a bit of an issue installing my APK on my android tablet.

    I have done plenty of googling and searching forums but not luck so far.

    Basically I am building an APK (tried signed, unsigned & debug), transferring the APK over to the device and attempted to install but immediately hit with a Parse Error.

    I have tried version 9 back to 6 (my tablet is running 9), I have tried debug, unsigned and signed.

    I have developer mode activated and USB debugging on (but also tried off)

    I have it set to install apps from unknown parties

    I have downloaded various other APK's online and installed without any issues?

    Any suggestions?


  • Hi, I am wanting to make a "companion app" for a desktop application and wanting to know if/how I can communicate on the local network?

    The C3 Multiplayer object states the following: LAN game support for near-zero latency gameplay, including support for mixed LAN/Internet games

    However, I cannot find any information on how this can be done?

    Anyone in the know?

  • Sorry, when I aid in my earlier post that I have the source which you can have.. I should of checked i actually did have it!

    I never every delete old project files but I had realised I did this in C2 and have used C3 for over a year now so I have at a bit of a loss as to where my older C2 project files are.

    I will keep on searching, once found I will be sure to upload it for you.


  • I played with making 2D minecraft style and lighting a while back, still have the source if interested?

    Not sure if it could help at all?

    Demo here:

    WASD and Mouse. There is a ambient light that follows the player and you can place lamps, also has dynamics shadows.


  • Done it!

  • Ok so I have this finally working, with one snag.

    I have my layouts all with the global "menu" layer that is "hidden" by default.

    I then have a button on each layout which makes the layer visible (making my menu show, full screen)

    the problem is then, how do I make that layer invisible again as now all objects from the layout are covered up with the UI layer and objects on the UI layer dont have access to the the layouts event sheet?

  • So this "appears" to be Global Layers?

    When I set the menu layer to global, then include it inside another layout it appear in the editor, however, the objects ONLY show in the editor. when i run my project, the objects from that global layer do not show, just the background?

    Bug or doing something wrong?

  • Hi, I have about 10 layouts (so far) in my project and have decided I want to be able to toggle a menu of some sorts on each layout.

    The issue is, the menu items could change and it seems very inefficient to have to create the menu and its events each time for each layout (in design time).

    I am sure there is a way to do this where I can create the menu, its events and somehow make it universal across all layouts?

    Global layers? Include Event Sheet?

    Anyone guide me in the right direction.


  • Hi, I have reported this as a bug but was wondering if anyone else had had the issue or can confirm the issue is not just with me.

    To reproduce, export an app with a text box. Viewport Fit to Auto or Cover and Fullscreen to again any, but lets say letterbox scale.

    When installed (on my iPhone XR), what I see is once clicked in the text box the viewport shifts up (thats fine), when you close the keyboard the viewport either doesn't come back down, or it does but not all the way - leaving black area.



  • Example of denorm and clamping.

    > /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    // Barrel
    //The current foreground texture co-ordinate
    varying mediump vec2 vTex;
    //The foreground texture sampler, to be sampled at vTex
    uniform lowp sampler2D samplerFront;
    //The current foreground rectangle being rendered
    uniform mediump vec2 srcStart;
    uniform mediump vec2 srcEnd;
    //The current foreground source rectangle being rendered
    uniform mediump vec2 srcOriginStart;
    uniform mediump vec2 srcOriginEnd;
    //The current foreground source rectangle being rendered, in layout 
    uniform mediump vec2 layoutStart;
    uniform mediump vec2 layoutEnd;
    //The background texture sampler used for background - blending effects
    uniform lowp sampler2D samplerBack;
    //The current background rectangle being rendered to, in texture co-ordinates, for background-blending effects
    uniform mediump vec2 destStart;
    uniform mediump vec2 destEnd;
    //The time in seconds since the runtime started. This can be used for animated effects
    uniform mediump float seconds;
    //The size of a texel in the foreground texture in texture co-ordinates
    uniform mediump vec2 pixelSize;
    //The current layer scale as a factor (i.e. 1 is unscaled)
    uniform mediump float layerScale;
    //The current layer angle in radians.
    uniform mediump float layerAngle;
    precision mediump float;
    uniform mediump float scale;
    void main(void)
    mediump vec2 n = (vTex - srcOriginStart) / (srcOriginEnd - srcOriginStart);
    vec2 st = n - 0.5;
    float theta = atan(st.x, st.y);
    float rad = sqrt(dot(st, st));
    rad *= 1.0 + scale * pow(rad, 2.0);
    n = clamp(vec2( 0.5 + sin(theta) * rad, n.y), vec2(0.), vec2(1.));
    gl_FragColor = texture2D(samplerFront, mix(srcOriginStart,srcOriginEnd,n));

    Thank you for this and all who helped, managed to get this working as planned.

    A negative scale caused a pincushion along X and positive scale causes barrel along X.

    Thank you