Giafrank's Forum Posts

  • Sorry, I'm wrong. This way it's simpler and it seems to work, thanks! But I only have one doubt, I'm trying to use 3 frames in the LU animation but in the diagonal I only see the first frame. I have the loop enabled but it doesn't seem to work

  • Ok you're right about this. But when the sprite moves diagonally, I want to use a custom animation. For example in the right diagonal, I don't want to use the "right" animation but a custom one.

  • This is for left,right,up,down. If I go diagonally how can i use this animation?

  • I created a sprite that moves in 8 directions with the arrows, now I would also like to use the WASD keys. I can make it move right, left, up and down with the animations but when I press for example WD for the right corner, the sprite moves towards the corner but the animation is stopped at frame 0.

    In the red box are animations that don't work with corners.

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  • Thanks, it works

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  • I have 8 directions sprite, so when i use for example left and up arrow, he goes diagonally up, but if i click left,up and right arrow, the animation freezes and goes up. I tried using if left,up and right arrow are pressed "Stop 8 direction" but it continues to go upwards even if very slowly. I would like the sprite to stop when 3 keys are pressed.

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  • Maybe bullet ball is better, the problem is to choice the directions when player kick it

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  • Oh thanks, it works! But if i "Apply physics force (100,0)" when the sprite kick the ball, the ball sticks to the wall for a second and then continues moving

  • Hi everyone. I have a "ball" object that I've made physcs. Now I wish it could hit the wall (as if it were a billiard ball) but i created some solid objects and the ball passes through them. I read in the manual that it is not possible to do this, so are there any alternative methods?

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