GG-Works's Forum Posts

  • Hi all, I have another issue.

    I'm at the point where my game is nearly finished for a beta release, but I would like to at least get a theme song and a boss theme done.

    Thing is, as a primary artist and getting the hang of the quirks of Construct 2, I do not know how to compose music.

    Last time I tried to compose music was when I had Mario Paint... when I was 11. It had a block format that worked by adding symbols representing sounds on the music sheet lines.

    I'd prefer like a 8-16 bit chipset style, but at this point I'll settle for anything to try out.

    Any recommendations?

  • I have a youtube channel for my game (well indie company as a whole)


    <img src="" border="0">

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  • Good evening, I'm very thankful to share this opportunity of showcasing some screenshots from my upcoming game, "Baxter"


    I figured this is the best way. I have some videos but the blog explains why I didn't upload any.

  • Thanks guys, I know it's been a few days but Invaders idea works great with the global variable. I'm kicking myself for not trying this sooner. I've added the "0 Coins" triggers at the end of the level and in the case of the player backing out to the level select. Tried the array idea, but was still having trouble so I'll stick with the arrays I have set for each act/world and the main hub.

    Another problem solved, thanks!

  • Before you say "Global Variables" hear me out.

    My game is utilizing an Angry Birds like interface, each level I'd like to make a part where you collect 20 coins per level and you get a gold completion for that level. I have it figured out on how to make the level finish using arrays, but for the coins I've gave the object an instance variable but it doesn't seem to add towards the amount.

    It only seems that the global variable idea works, but I can't uncheck "static" because I want the player to get all 20 coins every level playthrough instead of get a few, and get another few in another level and it messes up the whole thing.

    So to summarize, how do I make it to where the player collects a fixed amount of coins in each level?

    Thanks for reading!

  • Hi again, is there away to make an object move in a circle? I thought

    there was an option in the Sine behavior, and I can't seem to get it on rotate.

    Anyone know how to make an object move in a circle continuously? Like Horizontal, Vertical, but full circle.

  • Not wanting to make a double post, but new update that I found a nice work around for this whole ordeal. I've made it where level clears is a large symbol that acts as a "coin" and disappears from the individual level once you collect it. I used the array to help with level clear from individual levels.

    Now, the player can use what I call "clear count" to unlock additional worlds as planned! Thanks for your help!

  • UPDATE: Well I think I got the hang of arrays. Unfortunately, when you complete a level, it was supposed to add one "clear" to your win count, but it keeps adding at a rapid rate or after some tweaking, it goes up every time you reenter the map.

    I'd like to be able to make to where you finish one level, it counts as one clear despite repeats... I didn't want to have every level locked because it could discourage casual players, so only worlds are restricted, but with only 6 worlds and a secret world it feels short.

    I suppose I could do an alternative where you collect a set amount of currency and use that to unlock the other worlds, I do have a work around for this however... I'll return with the results.

  • Hello again.

    I'm curious if anyone was able to successfully create a level map similar to Angry birds. So far I have it done, but when it comes to finishing a level, I like to show that the level is finished. No ranking system needed, just a simple completion. I was reading over the tutorial about the level map and it still feels rather confusing to me.

    Is there a away to have layouts interact with each other like this? I'd like it for the player to finish the level, and the door leading to that level indicates that the player finished?

    Also for event sheets, my game is going to have around 70 levels, but I read around that too many event sheets will run down the game. Does the "Include Event Sheet" function help with this? Each level I made is on a new layout, and each new layout has an event sheet that just has a couple functions on it like the User Interface and Completion conditions on top of "Include Event Sheet" from the main sheet with all the programming.

    Will I have to cut down on event sheets still? Thanks for your time.

  • Before you get in too deep, maybe start out with something simple like a top down RPG ala Zelda and get your feet wet there.

    There is a very extensive tutorial for beginners that covers top down shooters, use that as a template and work on world maps, enemies, etc.

  • It was difficult to make a topic, but I have two questions:

    1. If your game has a hub world like Angry Birds, when replaying an older level do the events start over again or you need to make it to when a level is completed you have to make it to where enemies respawn and objects unchanged?

    2. As for keeping score, can score be kept for every level as you can accumulate points throughout the entire game, because I have an idea if the player keeps earning points they can unlock additional levels or something.

    Like finishing a level rewards you with a thousand points, and repeated clearings earned you 50k points and unlocks a hidden world. This is to add replay value for a little while, think its doable?

  • Thanks everyone I'm going to try some of these!

  • I'm probably going to get flak from asking this, but is there a way I could record the gameplay from the browser without the use of a capture card?

    Tried a google search but didn't help much. I've made phenomenal progress on my game and I'd like to upload a video on youtube.


  • Initially I thought this had something to do with physics, if your character is using the platformer behavior, how does one make it to where you can push a block or roll a boulder?

    I thought assigning physics behavior would help, but couldn't seem to make it work.

  • Heh, sorry I forgot to post a capx, but I resolved the issue by messing around with overlapping objects instead of collision and it works!