DozeMaster's Forum Posts

  • Save as project saves the entire project uncompressed with its entire hierarchy folder

    Save as a single file saves the project under the .capx format which is basically a compressed .zip

    if you change the name of the capx to zip and then extract it you will get same thing as extracting a .capx file or by saving a Save as Project option.

  • Edited:

    here is my solution Capx Example v2 updated

    let me know if you need something else...

    Ashley i found a bug when i try duplicate a button then renaming it and changing the text info ... C2 editor crashes (use original capx in the first post)

    steps to reproduce :

    duplicate button named Add Heart

    change name of the new duplicated button

    change text of the new duplicated info

    on pressing enter after text is changed or clicking the layout so the text its saved C2 Crashes. r228 x64 Win8

    Edited : in my capx now it doesn't do it anymore after it crashed around 3 times... first time it crashed was due to the name length i think... i'll retest and submit to the bug section properly once i pin down the cause. sorry for rushing on reporting and in such a inappropriate topic.

  • 1 bolean or variable on the item

    tripple condition :

    Trigger once

    is bolean X inverted/variable=0

    cash =>500

    action --> subtract 500 from cash

    ------------> set bolean true /set variable to 1

    this should solve it.

    i placed bolean and variable with a / so you can choose the way you want it... it doesnt require both just one of the solutions.

    here is a capx example using mouse and instance bolean

  • So essentially I cant make it where the enemies view is the only way i can be found and i was thinking of making it where i could backstab the enemy sneakily and that would be the only to kill them

    well you can, you basically can reproduce the LOS behavior by event sheet, the code i gave as a example is only measuring the distance to trigger the follow action.

    For "visibility" or cone view effect, you need to calculate the direction the AI is facing... however it might be you are using LOS wrong and thats why it breaks. take a look at the RTS example in the default templates of C2 that might help you understand better the LOS usage.


    :O wow just wow... 110% more efficient ... cant wait to see this at work <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">

  • Tic Tac Toe - multiplayer is turned based so ... yes multiplayer turn based games are possible.. i have no clue how C2 server system works... its rather complicated and doesn't make sense to me personally

    but it should work....

  • LOS sometimes has its own mind or breaks.... instead of LOS you can use the system expression compare two variables and calculate the distance as this :

    distance(ai.x,ai.y,target.x,target.y)<100 ---->actionfor AI sprite{set angle towards position (target.x,target.y) } / action2 for AI sprite{ moveforward 2px+(60*dt)............}

    the 100 acts as the visibility... however this has no view cone as los has its automatically 360 view.. so even if you come from behind it... will still follow the player.

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  • mahdi71 (better adres you, else GamesCorpStudio shoots at me)

    About your point 2-sheets. Yes you have to pick them. But picking one, combined with the use of a container is so easy. ... XlJV2V5akU

    first of all i want to apologize if you think i have / had something with you ...

    second dont get me wrong im not shouting at anyone ..

    'nor im trying to be arrogant .....

    i actually have fun reading this types of posts and i enjoy seeing this type of problems... i wish somebody else was actually evaluating more of this topics but just a normal user ...

    if i sounded a bit harsh is because by now you wold think we all have experienced the system C2 uses and its imperfections ... and we all seen this issues... its getting frustrating seeing same problems daily raised in the forum...

    but the way the op was made, it leaves the impression that mahdi71 is ranting without even trying to solve them...

    and yes 99Instances2Go i might have confused you with the op ... you both have red logos... my bad ...

    Edited: i wish i wold'v seen before the post , (btw that looks Insane cool), did haha... about MoModth that basically solve all this topics issues... now i look like a potato hahaha

    i think the problems you raised should be posted in this topic what features you want to see in the future C2?

    this topic was really good. have a good day all.

  • About point1, the ui.

    I wonderd if would build some ui from start, would i encouter the same problems .... ... HNZWUtXSjg

    I did't. Why ? Lets talk.

    im not sure what you trying to achieve with your capx... ? its acting as made... what wold you expect to happen? 9 patch however is not the best usage in this example ... 9 patch ...tiled-background they all have no original points as a normal sprite but more like the text object their original points are called hotspots and can be changed from the settings left side ... but you already know that.

    i still dont understand why you think something is wrong with your capx... it behaves as you made it behave... but maybe your machine is to slow and you visualize or experience something else then what i seen. see my preview's post in this topic about delta time on page 1

    maybe run your capx on your machine and print screen it? or record a video of the problem? it runs perfect here.. (perfect as i compare the events you made and what happens when i run it)

  • Hi. i was just wondering how do i punch while walking?. i was trying to make this 2d fighting game, but could not figure out how i punch while walking. Just wondering if you could help me? (dont know how to post my game.)

    you can upload your game to google Drive or Dropbox or scirra arcade and share a link..without the https:// since you dont have enough reputation to post link.

    as for the animations walking and punching if you have the animations set both for walking and punching you can easy trigger them when you press some keys by using the keyboard object. see this for more info Platform example

  • I think C2 is great, but I would like to know how the real pros transfer their favorate set of functions from one project to another? How do the real pros get around pinning different objects in a family-like way as the op is asking. Just when do you have to "wait 0"?

    ctrl+c and ctrl+v? as long as you have the same variables and objects C2 will be able to copy from a project to another the event sheets just by copy pasting... or you can do the harder way where you can import the entire project intro another project by importing the xml files i think ..i read that long time ago.. however i never needed it... since doing that wold create problems you might forget the functions how they are linked and so on.

    as for the wait 0 ... what that means is that the 2nd action on a condition will only be executed after the first is completed... for example

    condition"when something"

    --- > action 1 do this

    --- > wait 0

    --- > action 2 do this other thing

    that means as above after action 1 is executed only then the action 2 will happen..

    that is useful when you want to delete a sprite then create another of the same type... or when you have multiple actions on the same condition and the system might skip or write a bad value or half of a value instead the real one.

    C2 event sheet is read from top to bottom... but sometimes it might skip 1 action or 2 depending on the Delta-Time and Frame independence why im bringing that in?

    because that is how C2 performance is measured... it cannot run faster then the current dt or the formula (60*dt) which should be equal to 1 that is 1 frame per tick which equals with 60 frames per second.

    but that doesn't always equals to 1 because of the platform you run the C2 system ...

    if your system is a bit outdated and has a 0.01 delay on performing some action then dt will skip or fail 1% of the time.

    thats why you see problems like fast objects passing trough solid objects or physics failing...

    however all this issues bringed on this topic can all be avoided just by reading the manual and test and retest until you get it the way you want it to.

    no game engine or software will perform perfect, no matter if its a 10,000 dollar software piece or 1 dollar. it will always have some problems.

    its a matter of understanding how you can work around those problems that makes the software usable.. and with C2 you can work around a lot of issues. but as we progress in future... since in past we cant... more plugins/behaviors/effects are developed to increase the power and usability of C2 and limit the problems some faces.

    However none of the problems that are mentioned in this topic are not solvable... are actually the most easy things to do in C2 no extra special plugin or power needed just the default C2.

    Its a matter of learning a bit C2 and trying to understand how C2 works thats all.

  • i am a pro with construct 2 and a pro developer

    if you can solve one of them ?

    (im not say that things can't be done i mean they take so much time and work for simple things)

    You make me laugh ... hahah...

    takes to much time? well the time you wold write down the code for a object to spawn in a scene and move on 4 axis wold take a experienced programmer around 10 to 30 minutes to write down the code for that simple action.... in C2 you drag the sprite in the scene add the behavior 8 axis set the settings on 4 way movement and done ... in under 20 seconds.

    C2 not fast enough? good one.... i think C2 not fast enough for those who dont read the holy book ...and im not talking about the book that describes a invisible man in the sky ... but the All Mighty Manual have fun...

    take some tutorials if you are at that chapter as well see how things are made open the capx files learn from them... then after 1 day of learning it... come back to this post and read what you said again ... have a great day.

  • hi pple ... to whom may concern,

    the n^2 rule applies to audio i think... as i read and tested the capx shared in this post im not personally sure if that has anything to do with it. but more a problem of this rule Delta-Time and frame rate independence its not fixed when minimum FPS is under or equaling to 60 FPS however even if you apply the lerp(a,b,1-f^dt) or lerp(a,b,60*dt) still same thing its similar to just adding 0.25 or (60*dt)/4 ...

    if i remember correctly the 2dcanvas cant process faster then the frame rate... so its impossible to not have jitters. even if solved 80% 20% will fail most of times.

    this problem was raised before in other topics around years on forum... the answer was pretty much the same... back then ...

    Ruskul ... instead of substracting 1 substract 0.75 or 0.5 or 0.25 its going to work ... you had it pretty good from start ... but the trail spawning doesn't happen everytime when it moves.. however the movement happens in stairs ... for green and 1 of the reds ... then the other of the reds will brake some times.

    not sure if this old post is the right one but take a look r190 jitter problem maybe you find something useful

    anyway im waiting for the plot-twist on C3 .... i bet will have some cool goodies inside the engine that fixes all this problems and the breaks in physics collisions.

  • - that's very bad advice

    yea i know .... i think he wold be better doing a original concept then all that hustling ...

  • no matter if you are from Iran or not... you can make any game you want about who you want... on internet... its a matter of you hosting the game on a US server or European server where the laws of that country are not abused like the ones in Iran... where your webhosting service or website name can be confiscated by the powers in your country... just cause they feel like it...... so... make ur game... as long as it will be free of charge since your game will be based on a existing real person... most copyrights.... allow you to do "jokes" or free videos/games etc about the specific product, brand, person etc. in the limit of a good humor. if the person who owns the copyright doesn't want your game out there... that is based on him ... he will contact you to remove it ... if you dont... they will call the people who hosts your server/website/etc and it will be taken down anyway.

    even if in Iran there is no copyright law... on internet is... and even Iran Web servers are having copyright laws forced upon them by the ICANN organization.

    (ICANN - this are the people who allows you to create a new .com .furniture .fabulous names for websites ... even .ir is verified by them first.)

    my suggestion for you... use the person you want... but dont use his face... just hist character... like you have the pewdiepie logo... but instead of a blond guy -who resembles pewds...use a panda that has the title fabulous and blond hair... lol ... u get me? but if its pewdiepie the guy who you want to use in ur game... u dont have to worry about copyrights... pewds its not going to come for copyrights when comes to kids making games.