DozeMaster's Forum Posts

  • In event 5, create a text object with the fade behavior at enemy, and set text to damage amount.

    event line 5, 1st action, and 8, 1st action, one for the player turn and one for the AI turn, spawn object text at the respective enemy/player character XY or imagepoint and set the text value to the enemy.dmg or player.dmg and as oosyrag said, having a fade out behavior on the text object will make it disapear after an amount of time, you can also set the bullet behavior and set angle of motion to 270 when text object is spawned, and make sure to untick the "set angle" from the text.bullet behavior default settings everything else you can leave as is.

    if you do it corectly, you should have a text object popup on the damaged party that will say the dmg done and the text will go upwards while slowly disapearing over 1 second as the default value of fade behavior is.

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    snake&ladders is glitched you can continuously click the dice and it will just speed trough the game in 1 player mode.

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  • > change every 1 second to 0.1 or 0.2 seconds. that should do it. but it might be to CPU intensive... "thread" carefully

    I think maybe I didn't explain what I meant properly. I want the lines that the new bullets draw to overwrite the previous ones. And maybe change line color with each new line. To create a rainbow effect that I can modify further in the process.

    ahh i see you want the colors to change while redraws... well for that you have to change those RGB colors i think so lets say you have a max value of a color at 255 for red would be RGBA (255,0,0,1) and for GReen and blue the same 255 but in their respective RGB order.

    now you can do try this and see what happens

    you can try to count if Red Green or Blue reached 255... since we will increment all at 1 time the same speed so we have that rainbow psychedelic seizure inducing effect.

    Red < 255 add to RED 1 # add to Green 1 # add to Blue 1

    Red >= 255 set RED to 0 # GREEN to 0 # BLUE to 0

    this way you always loop the colors you can run this before your drawing on the everytick

    it should overlap or atleast be at the edge of each other based on your drawing updates, to overlap them you have to also move the XY position a certain distance so when you draw that from sprite 1 to 2 you can also make all the debug dots move since you are using them as drawing position i guess?

    hope it makes sense. il try put together a example file but im a bit color sensitive cause is like 12 am here and didn't slept.

    but to get that effect you have to move the XY and color values in a loop for sure.

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  • Thanks!

    Will check it out.

    Here is a more simple example than the one in that link above, that one might of been a bit to complicated but overall probably the same? depends on what you need to do with the moment, here is my approach to it.

    Qarp ping-pong loop in an ARC between A C B by t

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  • Hi, hope this is what you mean, enjoy, it's using Quadratic interpolation, you could also try using Lerp? or Cos or Sin... depending on your movement and if you want to alter it anytime .. but the quadratic interpolation should be what you need, is a bit of a "advanced" way, but never fails.

    simple parabola?

    Cause to move from A to B in a semi circle or arc... you need also a C ... and a time variable to make it travel or control the movement.

    so the movement doesn't really happen as a straight line from A to B directly it goes A to N to B by Time(or a fluctuating variable, we use time is the most useful.)

  • change every 1 second to 0.1 or 0.2 seconds. that should do it. but it might be to CPU intensive... "thread" carefully

  • Thanks. Really grateful for the help I've been getting.

    Off topic : hehe, don't worry he will be taking his fair share of blood soon >.> when the equinox blood moon happens, he will be doing a sacrifice ... newbies are a "must" attendance >:)

    Still Off topic : yea community is like that here, helpful :D Welcome to the familly.

  • Hi, depending on how you trigger the damage on the same line you need to spawn a text object and asign the dmg done to it's text function like bellow

    //lets take a "on clicked sprite" condition, with a variable "health" variable on a sprite object.
    on clicked Sprite > spawn text to sprite origin point 
    ----------------- > subtract from health 20
    ----------------- > set text.text to 20

    something like that, and then you can customize the text movement and damage done by adding more variables, like the 20 to be a randomized variable based on enemy armor/defence/health etc... but to spawn the actual visible damage you will eventually have something similar to above pseudo code.

    Hope this is what you meant.

    for a more concise solution, we need a screenshot atleast of the code area where you trigger the damage done to characters.

  • Hi, just sharing a RPG style Radar Chart based on Stats using the new Mesh ability of the sprites.

    See it in action here

    You can download it in the above link, or on the bellow link that is hosted on my drive, it will never be deleted unless google decides to stop gDrive in the future.

    Download from google drive

  • you need to place a bullet behavior on your turrets bullets so they can move. they have no movement behavior as i see on their behavior as is.

  • I thought this was working...maybe its not? but I noticed there's no way to say not-onscreen in the evaluate expression. Any ideas of what I should do instead?

    right click on "is on screen" and select inverted that counts as not on screen

    Edited: you mean the Else? i think Else needs a secondary condition in order to work properly like

    Inverted X Is on screen

    add me on discord if you have more questions :) i got a coffee and nothing to do, il be around for a couple more hours.

  • it should be working based on your conditioning there (unless the case where A overlap A doesn't work), it might be your "else condition" destroys the 2nd object as soon as the other one disappears form the screen, this happens in a matter of 1 tick or 0.015ms to us watching the screen looks instant or as both getting destroyed.

    in your conditioning what Else does is

    If A overlaps A pick nearest to XY destroy

    Else (in this format means, if A is close to XY destroy) < you don't need this or you might need a 2nd condition under else if you want for 2nd object to get destroyed at a different time.

  • that's interesting... so just saying Resources != "pp" won't actually pick them?

    So I have a few state changes where I need to check if there are resources out (minus the "pp" ones), and I'm checking every tick. Maybe its better to make "pp" resources be a different object type? There are 4 other resource types in the game, "pp" are just production points "coins" that only the player can collect. The AI should ignore those...

    ehm yes? .... just saying Resources !="pp" won't actually pick them, i mean it will pick them all , indifferently if they have value of "pp" or not. since you didn't mentioned which of them?

    Edited: and while it picks all of them, the conditions you added bellow, will get you nan or it will count as 100 or what max number of instances you have since you are not looping trough all of them, picking 1 by 1 and checking their values, i think the pick all a temporary array and checks all instances. then counts them based on the comparison inserted.

    but yea if you don't use the solution in my capx bellow and you want to use a custom method like above, you have to use a loop, so it checks every item at a time, otherwise the systems counting overwrites and picks all with the last value of the last object.

    so here is my example capx... in C3 i used picked by comparison system expression and you won't need the 2 other functions you used there

    also in C3 != is actually <>

    example picking instances based on value

    event line 8 is what you need to replace your conditioning in the picture.