Geno7's Forum Posts

  • Thank you KMag, that worked. For some reason I thought that it would make it not movable by anything, which I didn't want.

  • I know you can disable the collision for a physics object. But how would I go about disabling physics all together? So the object doesn't fall either?

  • Thank you emoaeden, for all your help. I didn't really want it to be a QWOP clone, I just wanted to use that as a reference for how I wanted my character to walk.

    But I want the game, where you can mix and match body parts. I want you to be able to eventually use animal parts also.

    I kinda wanted it to be like a puzzle where you have to use the body parts given on the map to complete it. A couple of ideas of this would be putting a lot of legs together to make a snake that goes through a tunnel, or multiple arms that can reach far places. So there would be many choices and hard to make separate sprites for all choices. I hope this makes sense.

    BTW all the sprites now, probably won't be in the finished game. I'll keep working on trying to get the them to pin to each other. I just noticed that there is a joint option in the physics behavior. I think I'll try and use that instead of of the pin behavior.

  • lol ty. What I want to do is have the points connect. Like drag the parts to the head and they'll connect at the points. Then eventually I'll get legs, arms and other body parts and have them connect.

    Then I'm hoping to be able to have it where you could walk with the physics. Though thinking about it now, that might not work because when the legs try to go past each other, they will get stuck. I'm talking about walking similar to the game qwop, but I want to have simpler controls.

    Link to qwop:


    One question. What are you trying to do with PPIP and BPIP?

  • Alright so the only way I could get it to work is if I spawned in the object(the head/body parts) then pined the other object(the dot) to it.

  • Dang it lol, no but I thought you didn't have to do that now, but I'll try.

    Here it is in the public folder:

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  • Thank you emoaeden. I thought I saved it as a single file but here is is and it's updated in the first post.

  • I know it's kind of a weird game, but it still doesn't pin the dot to the object that's it's near. I've even tried not using a family and that didn't work.

  • At run time I spawn a sprite1 on each image points of sprite2. I then want to pin the sprite1 to each instance of sprite2. Yet it seems like they are all pinning to only instance of sprite2. Have any ideas that will help?


  • Hi, I like the plgin. I couldn't get it working with Chrome(21.0.1180.79 m). But it worked just fine in Firefox(14.0.1). Also It would be nice to have custom buttons, and have more than two :)

  • Thanks Kyatric.

  • I'm still having trouble getting it to do what I want it to do. Does anyone have any bug finding techniques, besides disablaling a chunk of code? Or does anyone have a better why to do a dialogue system?

  • Thank you, I totally forgot about that. Does it work now?

  • I figured why she was still saying the first thing she said. But for some reason, the bubbles are quiting out. You should have to click a second time before the talk bubbles disapear.

    Also if you didn't figure out, you have to be near her, left click on her, and press space to activate talking.

  • Hi,

    For some reason, when you click "Hi" for the first option, it will quit out. Also, When you go back to talk to her for the second time she, goes back to the first thing she said. Can you help me change this?

    You can see what I mean here under Dialogue and NPC1-1/NPC1-2.