GenkiPatton's Forum Posts

  • 13 posts
  • Thanks! I'll look into that.

  • Thanks. That's certainly one approach, but it would take the player out of the game though. Is there way to pull data and transact in the background?

  • I don't have specific use case in mind at this time, but wondering how this would work.


  • HYPERBOLIC Arcade Trading

    Early access version available for free now at:

  • PS Imma post this on /r/construct too, so apologies in advance if you see it there too.

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  • They say that first time game developers shouldn't try to make their dream project right off the bat, but I couldn't help myself and it's not a huge scale game...

    I wanted to play an arcade-style game that let's you practice stock trading while you play, but it didn't exist, so I just started making it. After about a year of sporadically working on it my free time, I finally released an early access version of it on today and would be grateful for any feedback on it.

    HYPERBOLIC Arcade Trading

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    Please let me know what you think or any suggestions, etc.


    1) It has not been optimized for laptops, so running on desktop is strongly recommended!

    2) I'm waiting for friends to check the Mac and Linux builds install and run correctly, so you may run into issues there.


  • Sorry, just saw this. We solved the problem by using a bigger sprite, but this is good to know, thanks!

  • I recently developed a plugin do dynamicly draw lines (with dashed option). You can find it (with an exemple) on this links :

    This is perfect for my project! Using a stretched sprite as a line looks horribly jagged, but this creates smooth lines AND they can be dotted! Thank you!!

  • Answering my own topic for the benefit of anyone who makes into the same mistake.

    At the far right of the Events tab (to the right of the Search bar) is a checkbox that says 'Show 'Add Action' links. If this is (for example accidentally) unchecked, 'Add action' will not appear in the Event Sheet. Just check the box again to re-enable Add Action links.

  • My apologies if this is a silly question. Recently 'Add action' went missing from my project event sheet. I can add events, but there's no way to add actions to events.

    I can add actions just fine to previously saved versions, so it seems to be something I've done to the latest version that's caused it, but I can't figure out what it is or how to fix it.

    I scanned the manual and forums for this but haven't found anything. A pointer to resolve would be much appreciated. (If it's at all relevant, my layers are all visible and unlocked.)

  • UPDATE: Worked like a CHARM! Thanks again!!

  • That sounds PERFECT! (I forgot that there will be other objects scrolling out of the game area, too.)

    Thanks very much!!

  • I'm making a puzzle game in which the player creates lines across a set area. They do this by clicking two points within the area, and the game plots the lines across the points.

    My problem is how to prevent the lines from extending past the area edges. Here is a capx file which shows the problem (the area that should contain the lines is the dark area in the middle):

    FWIW, the solutions I've considered / tried are:

    1) Overlay a background image that is transparent over the drawing area, but obscures the rest of the screen. I plan to add video backgrounds later, so this isn't suitable here.

    2) Set invisible sprites around the area edges and check for where the line collides with them

    From my forum searches, it seems that checking for collision points on two sprites is difficult. The best solution I could come up with was to have invisible single pixel sprites that run along the edges of the set area and check for collisions where the lines exit the area, then place sprites on either side and draw new, shorter lines between them using distance joints. This seems workable, but really inefficient.

    3) Use the initial x and y coordinates of the specified points, and the x and y axes of the area to mathemagically calculate the exit coordinates of the lines and draw new lines between the points as above. This seems to be best solution I could come up with, but it's way beyond my feeble math ability.

    This is an important point for my game's presentation, so any help would be much appreciated!

  • 13 posts