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    I'll definitely be buying, though I do plan to continue using C2 until they release a desktop version.

    Still not a big fan of the subscription but at the end of the day if the new model means that more money can go towards quality exporters and development then I can live with that.

  • MPPlantOfficial

    Some of the new features are nice but I agree, for now, there isn't a massive difference other than being tablet/phone friendly for development (if I had to commute for an hour each day though this would be a huge selling point for me - but I don't so it isn't).

    1 year from now I am certain c3 will be significantly better than c2 in terms of usability (and I love c2, that is an understatment). Based on that I think it's probably better to get used to c3 from the get go if one were new to the scene (instead of buying c2 and then switching over in a year anyway).

    I am hoping they add an option to buy c3 without a subscription at something like 5 times the yearly cost (or whatever seems reasonable to them). I would happily pay that much to not be 'on the clock' so to speak. Fingers crossed,

  • Tough question really. C2 is good enough to build anything 2d you want but you wont have the nice new features to come (including the easy exporting to mobile if that is your fancy).

    If $99 a year isn't a big deal for you I would recommend c3.

  • Hey Tri.

    On the projects window on the right hand side, click the object there.

    After that click and drag on one of the selected objects in the main window screen and they will all move.

  • Hey Kyatric/all,

    Just a heads up, WP 0 needs to have its id variable changed from 6 to 0 in order to follow the steps properly.

    I remember having a similar issue a few years ago trying to comprehend why my logic was failing without a 'for each' when it seemed to be working previously.

    I think a clearer example of what you are talking about is when you change the condition to : NPC.Target = Waypoint.ID

    (This way when it hasn't picked properly it is more obvious because the NPC's simply wont move).

    The answer I got from ramones back in 2013 was :

    "I think it's working as intended. I'll try to explain. When you have "Sprite2.number = Sprite.number" it loops through each Sprite2 and each Sprite and compares them.

    In your first example it's comparing them like this:

    Compare Sprite2(number 3) to Sprite(number 1)

    Compare Sprite2(number 2) to Sprite(number 2)

    Compare Sprite2(number 1) to Sprite(number 3)

    You see it's looping through them both in different orders so only Sprite number 2 matches and it's the only one that moves. If you swap the numbers 1 and 3 on Sprite2 then they will all move."

    So it seems it makes one pass without the 'for each'. If they are lucky enough to match up it works but it wont check against each object - just one of them.

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  • Hey guys just stumbled onto these and thought I'd share it. Watching the Diablo postmortem at the moment. It's really interesting to see what problems they had and how the game changed during development.

  • Hey Treeves,

    It's late here so it might be me but I'm not sure exactly what you are after. Do you want to use one text box instead of many little ones? If so you can still display all the variables you want by doing it like this :

    "Type" & familyobject.Type & "Name" & & "Armour" & familyobject.armour & etc etc

    If you wanted this to only display for your player then you would have a condition that said 'Familyobject.Type=Player' (which picks your family object to be used for the text).

    If you can post a small example of how you have it set up i'll show you how if you like.

  • Hey Js,

    I just tried it and it works for me. Try and recreate it in a fresh project and see if it comes up the same again. You must have something in your events rounding it?

  • Hey Del, are you familiar with using layers and parallax scrolling?

  • Hey mate,

    Are you using the auto-runner template? How does that run with your mobile without any changes made?

    What you want to do is, when the game first starts load all of your obstacles in and then delete them before the game starts moving (This loads them into memory and should help avoid jank on creation).

    Your family of obstacles can have an event where you 'compare the X' value in the condition. Is it less than your 'player sprite' minus 300? If so destroy it.

  • Hey Tom.

    Try using 'set speed' instead of the acceleration method.

  • With your conditions they will trigger every time they are true. If there is no condition in the event at all it will trigger all the time. The 'trigger once' condition is useful when you only want something to trigger a single time but you could achieve the same thing with a different approach. As a newbie I wouldn't worry so much about the 'one' best way to do things in C2. What is really important is how much work you are making the device do.

    The best common practice I can recommend is to get used to the debug window. It has a lot of useful information, including the object count (it would have shown the object count continually going up) and stats on how intensive events are based on its cpu consumption (shows you which events are causing slow down if you are experiencing it).

    Graphics are a different subject but this should be useful. ... our-memory

  • Hey mate,

    When you create a new layout you have the choice to link it to an existing event sheet or make a new one for it. When you have the layout active, look on the left hand side at the properties panel and it will be under "Event sheet".

    When you are working in the event sheet, right click on an empty area and click on 'include event sheet' to link multiple sheets together.

    Oh and welcome by the way

  • Good points guys.

    Sorry for not replying I didn't get a notification till now. My response was more aimed at the general "why does the order of my events break my game" than the every tick question.

    To clarify I just mean that if things are working as intended when the code is in one formation and then you simply change the order of the logic and it stops working - then obviously a condition has changed that prevents it from playing out properly.

    Even with every tick events you can see the nature of the top down execution. Create two every tick events, one above the other. In the top one set a variable to 1, in the bottom event set that same variable to 2 - it will always come out as the bottom event at the end of each pass of the event sheet, but things can happen inbetween these everytick events.

    Here is a capx that shows that shows what I mean pretty clearly: ... %20op.capx

  • Just remember that things are executed top down in the event sheets and there shouldnt be any problems. If things dont work properly because they are spaced too far apart it just means you have events in between that affect your conditions.