GenkiGenga's Forum Posts

  • Hey Yumbie

    In this example by pressing z the blue bar will decrease and then based off how far it decreases your green bar goes up in increments.

    You can add in more conditions to check for each event that raises the green bar but Im not sure why you would only want the bar to increase when the idle animation finishes.

  • I think its right Telles,

    Since you test the family, the family object is picked but then you give the command to destroy the 'general' bullet object without specifically choosing one, so it picks all of them.

  • Looks really good. Very nice of both of you to do this. Open up a paypal account for donations! :)

  • Nice work Yann,

    Awesome channel :) Keep up the good work.

  • Hey DjFuzion,

    There is an old example from Rojohound about turrets that I found really helpful a while back (I think if you check in Kyatrics faq it should still be there).

    Basically though, the way it works is all your turrets have a reverse timer - so that when they fire an individual timer on that sprite starts to count down.

    Sorry I dont have the time to bang up an example but what I would try is: when a turret shoots you would want to add a condition to pick all of the same turrets and instead of setting the timer just to that one, you set it to all of them. This should allow all of your turrets to shoot in unison.

  • Hey tm5con,

    What I would do is set up a cover area (the line used in the actual game to let you know when to press the buttons). Then give all your notes a different variable.

    Now just add the conditions that when you check if the answer is correct you also check if the answer is not right.

    I hope that made sense - If not I know there is a couple of really good examples of these types of game lingering around the forum so might be worth a good search.

  • Hey Series3000,

    was just quickly logging in but your post caught my interest. I have spent ages looking for sounds and music (and now have a vault with a massive collection of both) all free to use (you will have the option to donate if you start making any money this way).

    There are so many great free to use sound effects in public domain. I literally spent days - maybe a week in total gathering up a nice collection.

    In terms of what I found the hardest to find, was actually human voices. Like for games where you click on a unit for instance and hear a "Yes sir" and "OK".

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  • Congrats guys, well deserved.

    I think success just became cemented.

  • No worries, try again, I switched it to use H instead. If you want it set to a diff key just look at the events sheet and double click on any H is pressed, H is down event and change the key ;)

  • Here is a working link to Rev's great example. Rev if for whatever reason you werent sharing this on purpose let me know and i'll remove it.

  • Hey Hye,

    I remember being in a similar position to you when I first stumbled across C2 some time ago. You have many options - and only so much time. You want to make the right investment, I can understand that.

    Its obvious that you really only care about mobile development right now (I was the same when I first started as well). But I think you should broaden your scope a little bit.

    Your analogy with armageddon is kind of right, it is coming.. (but what is actually coming is the opposite of armageddon lol). I can tell you that after using this program everyday for over a year - I am not angry! Infact Ashley and Tom constantly remind me that I have made the right decision with every new release.

    One thing that confused me was that you presume that html5 progress is/will be slow. In reality its moving faster than most people presumed. I am extremely happy with the performance of our games in Chrome, its pretty much perfect. All we have to do now is wait for the other tech to catch up - which it will, there isnt many who dispute this either.

    So if you want to start getting serious right now - what should you do in the meantime? Get on board and start building up your portfolio. It is highly unlikely that you will strike it big on your first game. Nothing you do in C2 will be a waste of time, when we hit the golden age of html5 being commonly supported, suddenly every project that you created for other platforms might be viable for mobiles now.

    I could go on, but C2 is (in my opinion) the safest choice for a long term strategy if you are serious about the business side of things.

  • That was pretty fun, machine gun is my fav weapon but I like how all the weapons have a distinct feel. The music is pretty awesome as well.

    1 little thing I noticed, the shotgun bullets didn't seem to want to through the open force field like the other bullets did.

  • Sorry about that Whaleboy, I didnt have time to test what I had put up. I can see the issues you were talking about. After sleeping, I took another look and here is your logic for the enemies.

    Now it is a mixture of Rexu and Rojo. The big difference is that we are basing our timing around the enemies cooldown instead of 'Every x seconds'.

    The problem with the old one was that we werent correctly picking the enemy to fire. Combined with the line of sight for obstacle detection its perfect as a base for a lot of top down games.

  • I know what I said, but I cant concentrate properly until this is resolved (bit of an OCD thing perhaps! lol)

    Check this out, given how your game layout works I think you will like it. Props to Rexu because it is adapted from a great example he put out a while ago about line of sight.

  • Hey Whaleboy,

    The whole thing with the range object is that it is acting as your raycast - all of the time. When the player touches the range object its the same as being hit by the raycast. I see after checking it out though that this might not be the best solution for your project.

    Still, here is an example of what I suggested for learning puposes : Update I accidently overwrit this when I changed it for the next one (no learning today lol).

    When you said four-way movement I was envisioning a bomberman style layout (where the enemies needs to be on your line to hit you), but since the enemies can target you from any angle it changes things a bit.

    What Paradox suggested is better in your case, its still easy too. I have a bit of work to do now but If someone hasnt posted a fix I will come back and do it for you when I get some free time.